modern video games
land marks
French dishes
Greek mythology

Class number 19 (picked with a random number generator)

Who is 


The programming language Robloxians use for Roblox

What is Lua?


Where the sphinx is located

What is Egypt?


this french soup is made up of onions, cheese and breaD

what is french onion soup?


this creature’s name in english is the “water snake”, being killed by the hero Hercules/Heracles even with its nine heads and one immortal one, captain America anyone?

What is the Hydra?


If it wasn’t for this section 7E would have been the lowest earning booth in the fair

What is 7D?


This system in modern gaming is based on progression where you gain xp or other things to be able to get certain rewards, although some people claim it is very P2W as some tiers or rewards may not be asscesible unless you pay real money

What is the battle pass system?


New York and New Jersey have fought for ownership over this statue and its island, New York ultimately won

What is the Statue of Liberty?


this dish is like a pancake but really thin

(Daily double)

What is a crepe?


it is the name of the giant crab that was sent by Hera to stop Heracles in his tracks, when it died it was placed in the stars by Hera, where it became a part of the zodiacs, though has no correlation to the disease it shares a name with, I think

Who is cacner?


The amount of groups in the term 3 IP

How much/what is 7?


Morrowind and Skyrim are part of this games series by Bethesda

What is elder scrolls?


This landmark and statue were turned into an emoji and then became a well-known meme

What are the moai statues


this frwnch dessert was served in the  and  dinner date

what is crème brûlée 


the man who starved to death after staring into his own reflection without drinking or eating, Even staring at his own reflection on the boat of Charon on the way of the underworld, remind you of anybody? anybody?

Who is Narciscuss?


The 5th period on a day 5 when Ms.  was in XCE

What is Chinese


This is the iconic game where many other games, like DOTA and starcraft, and genres, like Tower defense and RTS were pioneered 

What is Warcraft


This is the other name for the Big Ben of London

What is Elizabeth tower


this french puff pastry sounds like a “l i t t l e”  general in french and world history

What is Napoleon?


the sea creature that Perseus killed In order to save princess Andromeda

What is Cetus?


When the GC was made (the first one, gmail)

When is Thursday Jun 15


released in 2017, this RPG, comedy game is set in the west, filled with demon cows, skeletons, killer clowns, goblins and bandits. In saloons with spittons, players can go alongside a partner on their journey from dirtmouth to the west alongside a train and even go into the spooky manor DLC. In 2022, the sequel even came out based on a more modern (1920s) and lovecraftian theme

what is west of loathing?


it is one of the ancient wonders of the world from Greece, depicting a giant statue of a god holding up a torch, however only it’s foot remains today

what is the colossus of Rhodes?


this french dish is made of eggs and served in a shell, but not any chicken, duck, ostrich, ant or octopus eggs here!

What Escargot?


tartarus has many inhabitants, one of them being this king who fed the gods his own son, his punishment being always hungry and thirsty, when he tries to reach the tree with fruit, the food above him moves up from him and when he tries to drink the water in the lake he swims in, the water recedes be low him

(Daily double)

who is Tantalus?
