What is the line the splits the court down the middle called?
Half-Court Line
Taking steps with the ball without dribbling?
How many segments are played in a HS Basketball game? And what are they called?
4 Quaters
How long do you have to throw the ball in when taking it out of bounds?
5 secs
Name a nba team.
There’s lots
What is the place called where you can score one point?
Free Throw Line
Dribbling… then picking up the ball… then dribbling again?
Double Dribble
How long is each quarter?
8 mins
How long do you have to cross half court, when dribbling into the front court?
10 secs
Who are the two bball players in the GOAT debate?
LeBron and MJ
What is the space below the free throw line and inside the lane-lines called?
The Paint
Dribbling outside the Baseline or sideline.
How long is Halftime?
10 mins
How does the game start?
Jump Ball at center court.
Who won the NCAA championship in 2022
What are the lines that create the border of the court called?
Baseline and Sideline
Smacking the Other team?
How long is overtime?
4 mins
How long are you allowed to be in the paint?
3 secs
What is Goaltending.
When you block the basketball form going in when it is shot and is already on the way down or if it is inside the cylinder.
Where is the Top of the Key?
At the three point line directly out from the basket.
Cupping the Ball w/ ur hand when dribbling
How much time is in between quarters?
1 min
5 second back to the basket call?
When a player has the ball and is not making any attempt to mover toward the basket for a limit of five secs.
What is the small semicircle inside the paint called?
Restricted Arc