Guided Practice
Ind. Practice & Extras

What is a Clear Learning Objective? 

The learning objective is the learning goal. It is what students should know, or be able to do at the conclusion of instruction.  

Extra Credit: A CLO should contain a ___________ and a ___________. 


Why is it important to "work the crowd" or use all your classroom real estate (think proximity) while teaching?

Proximity while teaching allows you to: keep students engaged, decrease behaviors, an easy way to check for understanding. You can listen to what your students are thinking, ensure on-task behavior, scan their work to guide students, make sure students don't get left behind.


What is guided practice?

Guided practice is the interactive instruction between teacher and students. When the teacher introduces new learning, and engages students to practice a similar task they will do later independently. Guided practice, led by the teacher, should occur any time new learning in introduced.


What is CFU the acronym for? 

check for understanding


Fill in the blank: 

Independent practice is when students complete the ____________ on their own.

assignment, assessment, objective 


Is the following a clear learning objective? 

"I can learn about the solar system."

No, how can you fix it to be an effective CLO? 


It is critical that new information in lessons be segmented into ___________________ _________.

Manageable chunks, small chunks, small steps, etc. Good lessons respect the limits of memory and the average attention span; importantly, learners need the chance to process new information ever few minutes.


In what way does guided practice help the teacher?

This lets the teacher recognize any need to re-teach portions of the new learning task.


Give an example of an appropriate check for understanding (CFU) you would use in a lesson. 

Many options. 


Independent practice is a great time for the teacher to help those few struggling students by providing _____________ ____________. 

individual tutoring/small group, etc. 


When you should be referring to the CLO during a lesson. 

Beginning, middle, end...anytime it can help remind students of their "learning target". 


Before you even begin your lesson you should have ____________ ___________________ from your students.  

100% attention 


One way to think about guided practice is as a ____________ release, giving more and more responsibility to the student.

A gradual release of information to students allows students to have a better understanding of the new task and a gradual responsibility of the thinking to the students. 


One strong CFU at the end of the lesson before we move into Independent Practice is an effective strategy. True or False? 

False, explain. 


Sometimes referred to as the "hook" - it is a quick strategy from 7EEL that engages students at the beginning of the lesson. 

Anticipatory Set - short quick, fun start to a lesson. 


Please share one way you display/show your students the learning objectives in your classroom?

Posted front of room, students help read, added to notes, etc. 


"Close reading" is an effective strategy for ELA/Science and History. What does "close reading" look like in your classroom?

A close reading helps students deeply understand the text by: underlining and annotating the text, discussing the text with teachers or peers, writing about and or researching information from the text, debating ideas, relating information from text to other ideas.


Guided practice should continue until students are able to do what? (hint - it is the ending goal of 7EEL) 

Guided practice should continue until students are able to work successfully independently. It may take a longer span of time for students to grasp a more complex skill.


You notice 3 students didn't show mastery during your whiteboard "show me" CFU, what's a good next step? 

Quick misconception - fix it! Longer instruction needed (individual tutoring)? Note which students and address it during Independent Practice. 


Linda Darling Hammond, argues that “the single most important determinant of success for students is the knowledge and skills of that child’s ______________”.


Quoted from FOCUS.


Why do you think establishing clear learning objectives is important for students to know?

Helping set schema for learning, guides teacher to stay on focus for lesson, etc. 


What strategies do you use to ensure your are prepared to teach the correct/accurate information to your students? 

PLC prep, using teacher guide, reviewing all materials: worksheets, readers, student materials and teacher materials, have manipulatives ready, etc. 


Give an example of what guided practice might look like in a classroom.

Students can work together to practice the skill or concept being taught. Students seated in pairs or triads is a good way to have students work together to practice a skill. Whiteboards, notebooks, etc. 


16 of your 29 students are on track and showing mastery, you have 15 minutes left to your math block and we haven't gotten to Independent Practice yet...what's your next step? 

Hmmm...good question ;o) 


Your Independent Practice: List the 7EEL elements. 

CLO, Anticipatory Set, Teach/Model, Guided Practice CFU, Adjust/reteach, Independent Practice
