How many quizzes are there in this course?
What is dualism?
The belief that there are two substances: mind and body
What was first, Deep Blue or Watson?
Deep Blue
When is the first summary critique due?
Sept 19
Describe Reductive Materialism
The findings of psychology can be reduced to neuroscience
Who is credited with the first complete computer design?
What percent is participation worth in this class?
What is behaviorism?
The position that our mental states are best understood in terms of the observable behaviours that attend them.
Who created the first computer program (arguably)?
Ada Lovelace
Are you allowed to use generative AI on your assignments?
What is functionalism?
The claim that mental states are best understood in terms of the role (or function) they play in relation to the body, other mental states, and behaviour.
Why is Aristotle considered the most foundational thinker in computing?
He established logic and formal systems.
What are the Research Notes?
A summary of the thesis and arguments of the sources for your final paper.
What is Phenomenology?
The position that consciousness is an embodied, contextual, experiential phenomenon.
Who wrote the seminal paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" in 1950?
Alan Turing