Summery of key teachings of Jesus found in the Gospel according to Matthew and Luke
Sermon on the Mount
The Parable of the Good Samaritan shows the idea of love of ___________
3rd Joyful Mystery
The Nativity (Christmas!)
God's rule of peace, justice, and love that exists in Heaven, but is yet to come on Earth
Kingdom of God
Jesus compared following his teachings to building a house on ________
5th Joyful Mystery
Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple
Short stories Jesus told to illustrate moral or spiritual truths
In the Beatitudes, Jesus says we will find true happiness when ___________
God's Kingdom becomes real
1st Joyful Mystery
Jesus' 8 teachings about the meaning and path to true happiness
Gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to see God's purpose and plan for our lives
2nd Joyful Mystery
What are the differences in the Beatitudes between Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel? (Three options)
1. Luke's account has the "woe to you" statements.
2. Matthew focuses on spiritual and religious virtues.
3. Luke focuses on social and economic inequality.
Why did Jesus use parables?
Jesus used examples from everyday life that the people would be familiar with. He gave them moral and spiritual truths in a way they could understand.
4th Joyful Mystery