This person is not commonly known by their real first name
How often babies are born (in seconds)
Every 3 seconds
Fran came up North from this Spanish speaking nation
The word for a baby monkey
An infant
This shiftie started their 7shifts career on the phones slanging sales
This little genius was way ahead of their peers in school
Lauren (LoLo)
How far a newborn can see (in inches)
8 - 14 inches
Marcel is not the only shiftie to have made the move from this South American country
The word for a baby whale
A calf
You could probably (definitely) have called this team member a farmer at one point or another
These team members live in the area of Canada that prefers to "parler" rather than talk
Dorna, Philippe and Marcel
'Good things groooowwww in Ontariooooo'... just like all of these folks
Rachel, Drew, Alessandro, Alex and Nat
The word for a baby fox
These teammates are 7shifts very own consulting duo
Lauren and Rachel
This 7shifts 'slugger' is new 'at bat'
A baby is born without these
The word for a baby dove
A squab
Cafe owner, engineer, what hasn't this teammate done!
These team members have are new to another full time gig at home
Fran and Deb
Babies have 3x more of these than adults
Taste buds (30,000!)
'West is Best' is what these western Canadian teammates will tell you
The word for a baby butterfly
A caterpillar
This person has worked inside the beast (Salesforce)