The name of the fist Shang city found.
Wat is Anyang?
The Shang leaders is called...
What is a king.
The highest class was
the king
They practiced this kind of religion
Ancestor worship
They ended the Dynasty
Zhou state
This city had three parts.
What are a palace, temple and houses.
The Shang government relies on this group to support them.
What are clans
Artisans were valued in the Shang Dynasty for
What are their skills in making bronze weapons
Writing in the Shang Dynasty did what for the civilization
United them
The Shang used what for money
cowrie shells
There were this number of royal tombs.
What are nine royal tombs.
The Shang Government is this kind of government.
What is a monarchy
Shang Ren means "Shang man," who were they
The king used these to get advice from their ancestors
Oracle Bones
The kings and nobles spent money on
palaces, furnishings, clothing and their tombs
Royal tombs had these sacrificed items in them.
What are slaves, servants and animals?
The kings armies were powerful because
What are bronze weapons.
Six social classes are
What are king, nobles, artisans, traders, farmers, and slaves
Shang artisans worked with what main materials
bronz and jade
The Shang Nobles acquired great wealth through
The Anyang tombs showed historians what about the civilization.
What are the after life beliefs of the anceient Shang Dynasty.
The Shang army used chariots in this way
Driver int he middle, spear carrier on the left and archer on the right
jade items gave what clues about the civilization
Jade animals showed what they raised, and jade on poems tell what hey valued
The two styles (or kinds of symbols) of writing were
pictographs and logographs (pictures and characters that stand of words)
The Shang nobles weakened their economy by
spending too much money on themselves and not the people