This is called "Good Stress"
What is Eustress?
Technique that lowers your heart rate, stopping the panic
What is Deep Breathing?
What is Boy?
Nurse Bee's biggest stressors
What is store workers asking me if everything is okay or wearing mismatching clothing ... bonus point for nursing school or wearing color
A good friend will let you do this when you want to share your feelings.
What is vent?
This is called "Bad Stress"
Breaking down tasks and activities to be done in increments throughout the day
What is time management?
LaMelo Ball
What is 6 7?
Nurse Bee's favorite color
What is Black?
When someone crosses a boundary you’ve set
What is Red Flag?
Short-term effects of stress
What is high heart rate, panic, increased temperature, butterflies in stomach, aka triggering of the fight or flight?
Exercising releases these "feel-good" chemicals in your brain
What is Endorphins?
The sound middle school girls add to the end of every sentence they say
What is aaaauuuhh i.e. stoppp-aaauh, noooo-auh, is this for a grade-aauuh?
The age of Nurse Bee
What is 25?
Someone who disregards your feelings and breaks your trust
What is a bad friend?
Long-term effects of Stress
What is weakened immune system, poor self esteem, chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, depression, anxiety and difficulty concentrating?
This mindfulness practice, often involving sitting quietly and focusing on breathing, helps reduce stress.
What is Meditation?
Nice Catch Cheer!!
What is not my name Quarterbaaahhh
The school Nurse Bee is attending for her Nursing Degree
What is Marymount University?
A relationship in which your partner constantly checks your phone, tells you who to hang out with, or makes you feel guilty for spending time with others
What is a controlling or unhealthy relationship?
The four F's of the stress response
What is Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn?
Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor about your feelings is an example of this healthy coping strategy.
What is Seeking Support?
The medical definition of hyperpigmentation
What is dark spots or circles, darken of the skin usually caused by sun damage, inflammation, irritation etc.
The sport Nurse Bee coaches and played in college
What is Lacrosse?
This term describes when someone gives another person the silent treatment, ignores their feelings, or refuses to talk as a way to control or manipulate them.
What is stonewalling or emotional manipulation?