Kdy mi to hodláš zaplatit?
When are you going to pay me that?
What .... you .... (do) last weekend?
.... it .... (rain) outside?
did you do
is it raining
neuvěřitelný, škodlivý, délka, nuda
unbelievable, harmful, lenght, boredom
She.... her lunch before she .... to work
had bought / went
Řekl, že se nudí.
He said, that he was bored.
Mám hlad. Udělám si toast.
I´m hungry. I will make a toast.
I .... (study) while my mum ...(cook) for us.
We .... (play) tennis between 4-5pm.
was studying - was cooking
were playing
krev, podezřívat, překvapení, trpělivost
blood, suspect, surprise, patience
We...... (watch) her videos for the past few days.
has been watching
Řekla mi, že byla nemocná.
She told me, that she had been sick.
Než přijdeš, budu to mít dopsané.
Before you come, I will have written it.
She ... (not buy) me a present for my last birthday.
Last night I .....(can not) sleep .
didn´t buy
zaměstnanec, nedovařený, víra
employer, undercooked, faith
Ouch, I .......just .....(cut) my finger. What.... you .... (do)?
have - cut /have you been doing
Chtěli vědět, kdy přijdeme.
She wanted to know when we would come.
Celý den budu uklízet.
I will be cleaning all day.
... you ever .... (have) dreams at night?
John .... (not drink) your juice! I did.
do - have / did - have
didn´t drink
hlad, naštvanost, cizinec, úspěšný
hunger, anger, foreigner, suceessful
She .... (go) to the shops before I ... (come).
had gone, came
Ptal se mě, jestli už jsem tam volal.
he asked me, if I had already called there.
Slibuji, že budu opatrný a nerozbiju to.
I promise, I will be careful and I won´t break it.
While we .... (write) a test, the teacher ... (leave) the class.
My sister......(not have) any kids.
were writing, left
doesn´t have/hasn´t got
nespokojený, nezdvořilý, odmítnutí, krása
dissatisfied, impolite(rude), refusal, beauty
When James ...(be) a kid, he .... (hate) spinach. He .... (hate) it ever since.
was / hated - used to / has hated
Zeptala se, proč jsme to udělali.
She asked why we had done it.