Inside Out
I Am Malala
Take a Long Walk
God Bless Us Everyone

This author of The Outsiders was a teenager herself when she wrote her first novel.

Who is SE Hinton?


Located in the Middle East, THIS is the name of the country where Malala lived as a child.

What is Pakistan?


The narrator of this short story got a visit from the police. Although the police officers couldn’t hear anything, THIS body part drove the narrator mad and caused him to give himself up.

What is a heart?


The characters in Linda Sue Park's novel are always searching for something. THIS is what they had to walk miles and miles to get.

What is water?


As the main character of "A Christmas Carol," THIS man learned a lesson in the importance of being kind.

Who is Ebenezer Scrooge?


All four of your junior high teachers can be your mother. THIS man is Blessed Sacrament's only male classroom teacher.

Who is Mr. Siggia?


Darrel, Sodapop, Ponyboy...the Curtis brothers have been living on their own since their parents died. This is the name of their group of friends.

What are the Greasers?

Women didn’t always have the right to vote or have equal opportunities in the workplace. Malala has spent her entire life fighting for equal rights in THIS field.

What is education?


In this Poe short story, a family is granted wishes (against better judgment) from THIS item.

What is a monkey's paw?


The book tells the true story of someone's life. THIS is the first name of the boy in 'A Long Walk to Water.'

What is Salva?


Written in 1843, THIS man wanted to share a story of true Christmas spirit.

Who is Charles Dickens?


Mr. Cocozello is a man of many talents around BSS - he's athletic, he's involved, he runs an amazing school, and evens subs for teachers once in a while! THIS is his favorite major subject to teach.

What is Math?


Ponyboy and Johnny got into some trouble at the park. This Greaser helped them escape being caught by the police.

Who is Dally?


The Pakistani government was losing their power when Malala was a child. THIS group of Islamic religious fanatics was trying to take control of Pakistan.

What is the Taliban?


Although this is usually frowned upon, Poe married THIS family member of his.

What is cousin?


There was a lot of hardship in the main character's life. THIS is the reason he had to flee his village as a boy. 

What is a civil war?


The Crachit family included the mother, father, and several children. THIS man was an employee of Scrooge who didn't get treated very well at the beginning of the story.

Who is Bob Crachit?


Mrs. Belford is a big sports fan. She specifically enjoys hockey. THIS is her favorite NHL team. 

Who are the NY Rangers?


Two-Bit, Ponyboy, and Johnny are still in school. Darry roofs houses. Sodapop and Steve work HERE.

What is a gas station?


Malala came from a ‘normal’ family with a mother, father, and THESE siblings.

What are two brothers?


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary...THIS bird came gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

What is a raven?


We read about the people in Africa belonging to different tribes. THIS is the name of Salva's tribe.

What is Dinka?


The youngest and sickliest of the Crachit family, THIS boy helped turn Scrooge around so he could change his ways.

Who is Tiny Tim?


Blessed Sacrament educates children from the tiny babies in Pre-K all the way up through 8th graders. THESE TWO teachers are in charge of our 3 year old Pre-K students.

Who are Ms. Lupo and Mrs. Incorvaia?


It’s a’s a plane... it’s a THIS mode of transportation which is what helped Pony and Johnny flee to safety.

What is a train?


The Taliban did not approve of Malala’s message of educational equality. In an effort to silence her, they took THIS action.

What is shot her?


Edgar Allan Poe’s parents both died before he turned 3, leaving him to be raised by foster parents. He was born in THIS Massachusetts city.

What is Boston?


Salva got separated from his family during the civil war in Southern Sudan. THIS is the family member he eventually met up and traveled with.

Who is his uncle?


Jacob Marley was Scrooge's business partner in life. In death, he appeared to Scrooge to warn him that THESE were going to be visiting him on Christmas Eve.

What are 3 ghosts?


Three out of the four junior high teachers have children of their own. THIS teacher has four kids - 3 daughters and 1 son.

Who is Mrs. Previti?


Cherry Valance and Ponyboy had a meaningful conversation at the drive-in. This natural occurrence in nature is what the two of them decided they had in common.

What are sunsets?


Malala’s parents continually supported her and her dreams. Her mother stayed home and her father had THIS job.

What is teacher/principal?


Poe wrote about THIS woman, who shares her name with a possessed doll, and described his love for her in a poem that takes place near the water.  

Who is Annabel Lee?


Many families lost their homes due to the war. THIS is what Salva and his group of boys were known as.

What are The Lost Boys?


Scrooge didn't have a lot of loved ones one to spend the Christmas holiday with. THIS family member was the only one who tried year after year to get Scrooge to spend time with him.

Who is his nephew?


Mrs. Pieroni has a really good eye when it comes to clothing and decorative items for her home. If she had to pick just one color, though, THIS, would be her favorite.

What is green?
