multiple meaning
main idea



 I want to apologize to my friend about what I said last week, but I'm afraid the ship has sailed and she won't forgive me

it is too late


The lights on tall communication towers warn pilots to avoid the towers when flying at night. Unfortunately, the steady red lights often used on towers have the opposite effect on birds: the bright beams attract and confuse them. Instead of avoiding the lights, the birds fly directly toward them, crashing into the towers or becoming entangled in power lines. Millions of birds have died this way. However, there is a solution. Unlike steady lights, flashing or blinking lights don't attract birds. In response to demands from conservation groups, the Federal Aviation Administration in 2016 began requiring towers to have blinking lights

to save birds blinking lights are used on towers


Our family raises honeybees. This spring one of our ten hives was destroyed. Recently, a bear was sighted in our neighborhood.

You can guess that

the bear destroyed the hives


without looking what is today's date?

april 26th


highlight (I want to highlight the importance of bringing a signed consent form or you won't be able to go on the class trip)

emphasize, stress, make it known)


A good friend is someone who is there for you through thick and thin, not when it is convenient for them.

through the good and the bad


April Fools' Day is celebrated around the world, although it varies somewhat from country to country. In the United States, for example, it's a day to play practical jokes. In France, where the holiday is known as Poisson d'Avril, or April Fish, people secretly tape paper fish on their friends' backs. A common April Fools' prank in Portugal is to throw flour on someone; in Scotland, the most popular trick involves sending someone on a useless errand. Denmark celebrates April Fools' Day on April 1, but some people there celebrate again in May. Maj-kat, on May 1, is yet another day for jokes and pranks in the spring.

different countries celebrate April Fools differently 


Rachel climbed up the ladder. She got more and more nervous with every step she took. She finally reached the top, walked out on the board, and looked way down into the deep blue. Her friends had dared her, but could she do it? 

What was Rachel afraid to do? How do you know?

jump off a cliff/plank into the ocean


Name one fact about a person in this room (that is not obvious)


double: blunder (she stopped and realized what a terrible blunder she made, and had to start her project all over)



My mom and I never agree on anything, but my dad and I see eye to eye on everything



In 2016, Vallecito Elementary School in San Rafael, California, became the first U.S. school to replace all of its ordinary desks with raised desks that students stand at. Speaking to a reporter from TIME for Kids magazine, one student at the school gave the standing desks high praise. "You feel happier, you're less tired, and you're more active," she said. According to several studies, children working at standing desks burn more calories and are more focused on tasks. However, some teachers and parents are opposed to the change. They are concerned that standing for long periods of time could cause fatigue, strain on the legs and feet, or posture problems. In addition, standing desks are more expensive than seated desks. Only time will tell whether standing desks will prove to be the next big trend or a failed experiment.

some people are for standing desks, while others weren't 


Show-and-tell was a mandatory part of class when I was in fourth grade. I cannot even tell you how annoying it was. My house, when I was growing up, was a square box with small windows and yellow chipped paint. I wore clothing that my cousins had grown out of, or that my mother bought at discount stores. I had a few toys, but nothing shiny or electronic. I never went on vacations except to Cincinnati, and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania one time.

What can we infer about the narrator?

the person did not grow up with a lot of money 

what celebrity just got banned from the Oscar's for slapping Chris Rock?

will smith


duo (the two of them are a duo, they do everything together)

a pair 


Not to rain on your parade, but you have a pop quiz today 

ruin something good 

Carrots contain high amounts of vitamin A and are good for general eye health. However, carrots will not improve night vision. That myth goes back to British propaganda during World War II. In 1940, the German Luftwaffe, or air force, began bombing Britain at night. In response, the British government ordered people to turn off their lights; the government wanted to make it difficult for German pilots to hit their targets. A new technology, radar, allowed the British air force to track and shoot down the German planes without light. To keep the technology secret, the government told the media that their pilots could see the German planes because they consumed so many carrots. Consequently, people began to believe that eating carrots would help them see better in the dark.

carrots make vision better is a myth developed by the British


Olivia was practicing her flute. She kept checking the time. She constantly stared at her neighbors playing baseball.
You can guess that Olivia

wants to be outside 


what type of pants does Jake from State Farm wear?



astonished ( I was astonished in the change that a nap can make in baby's behavior)



Jenny wants to be a famous actress, but her parents think that her head is in the clouds. She should choose a more practical career 

not thinking realistically 


In March 2016, Death Valley National Park in California experienced a rare occurrence: thousands of yellow wildflowers covered the region in a "super bloom." Why was this unusual? Death Valley is the hottest and driest place in North America. The area's average yearly precipitation is just two inches, making it a challenging place for flowers to grow. However, in October 2015, the valley had received more than three inches of rain in some areas. As a result of the unusually wet season, wildflower seeds that had been lying dormant underground suddenly began to grow, producing an abundance of golden blooms.

because of the rain thousands of wildflowers grew


Jonathan swung the stick. He heard the whoosh of air, and his friends' laughter. Jonathan swung again. More air, more laughter. On the third swing, he heard a loud thump. Jonathan ripped off his blindfold. The piñata that was hanging on the tree was still in one piece, but everyone's jaws dropped.

What made a loud thump?

hitting the tree


explain the relationship between mario and luigi

they are brothers 
