What is an integer?
Zero, positive, and negative numbers
The basic unit of life in all living things
What is a cell
What is the definition of a noun?
What is a person place, thing or idea?
How many days are in a year?
365 days
What does equivalent mean in math?
The same or equal to
Which planet has the most moons?
The country where the 2019 storyline takes place in Ground Zero
What is Afghanistan?
What is the largest organ in our body?
-25 - 7 (-4) equals
What is -28
The process where water changes from a liquid to a gas is called this.
What is evaporation?
A verb describes
What is an action
The Great Wall of China was built to protect against invaders from this region.
What is Mongolia?
What is the capital of the United States?
Washington DC
The number of degrees in a triangle
What is 180 degrees?
Which rock type comes from cooling lava/magma?
"She was a tornado in the kitchen" is an example of this
What is a metaphor?
What ocean is located next to California?
If you have arachnophobia, what are you afraid of?
The number in front of a variable in a term
What is a coefficient
What is radiation
This type of figurative language involves an extreme exaggeration.
What is a hyperbole?
This river was the lifeline of Ancient Egypt.
What is the Nile River?
Who was the first human to step on the Moon?
Neil Armstrong