List three of the cause of the Civil war
What is Sectionalism, Slavery, States Rights, Election of 1860,Economics
People who didn’t believe in slavery were called what?
He declared him self as a Texan and joined the Confederate army in 1861?
Who is John Bell Hood
What where the main economic industries in North and South?
Agriculture and Manufactoring
What invention sped up the harvesting of cotton and increased the demand for slaves?
Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin
This man was the first President of the Republic of Texas
Who is Sam Houston
When did Texas recive word about the Emancipation Proclaimation?
June 19th 1865
This man became Governor of Texas after Sam Houston was removed in 1861
Edward Clark
Which Battle took place in a major Texas city of today?
what is Galveston
Why didnt the South want Abram Linclon for president?
Because he would put an end to slavery
What about the southern economy made slavery seem necessary?
They relied on agriculture and farming
What two men where the main generals of the North and South?
Robert E.Lee and Ulysses S. Grant
Blockade runners used this location to get resources to and from Texas
What is Palmito Ranch
The Union had a 3 part staregy. What was the 3rd part?
1. Taking control of Mississippi River
2. Capture the Confederate capital of Richmond,Virginia
What is the blockade
This was important to the South to be able to make their own laws
States' Rights
What do we now call when Texas found out about the Emancipation Proclaimation?
She turned their mansion into a hospital for wounded soldiers?
Who is Rosana Osterman
Northern most location along the Texas cost where Union troops attemted to take Texas
Sabine Pass
The Alantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico are blocked by what?
Scott's Great Snake