Credibility Online
Online Protection
Who are the only people you should share your password with?
What is a spoof site?
...sites that are intended to make fun of something or to create a hoax or sties that are designed to look like popular sites.
Describe what cyberbullying is:
"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.
It is OK to post your phone number on your social networking page. True/False
Define plagiarism
using someone else's words or ideas and passing them off as your own, not giving them proper credit
Why is it a bad idea to share your password with a friend/s?
Because you are giving up control of your information/identity and it could be used to hurt you later.
What is one of the 6 questions you should ask yourself to help decide if the information you find online is worth using?
1. Is the information what you expected? Does it seem true? 2. Who wrote it? 3. Is the information up-to-date? 4. Is the information worth using? How important is it? 5. Where does it come from and what does it look like? 6. Who recommended this online source to you?
What are some action steps you can take if you feel that you are being cyberbullied?
Delete your account. Tell a parent or an adult you trust. Change your phone number.
Personal information is routinely collected and kept for ____________ by companies wanting to sell you stuff and viewed by individuals looking for information about you.
It is kept for years and years! Be careful what you post online!
What is an example of something that could happen if you got caught plagiarizing?
suspension, failing the assignment, fail the course (college), lose your job
A strong password is at least ___________ characters long and it includes ____________ and _____________ and ________________.
At least 8 characters long and includes numbers, capital letters and symbols.
How can you protect yourself from a cyberbully?
Have a private profile/account so only people you trust can see you information and pictures. Only give out your phone number to people you know well and trust.
Name at least 2 reasons why it is dangerous to meet up with someone you met online?
Because you don't really know them or their true identity, intentions. You don't even know if they're telling the truth about their gender, age, profession etc...
How can you avoid plagiarism?
Always give credit to the author for their words or ideas.
Why should you password protect your phone?
So people with bad intentions can't use it to do harm.
What are some hints on the layout, formatting and images on a website that tell you a website is reputable?
Logo of business/company, professional looking, easy to navigate, up-to-date information posted, organized etc...
An _______ ________ will try and trick people into meeting up with them face to face so they can harm them or trick them into giving away personal information so they can steal from them.
What is an online predator?
True or False: changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit is considered plagiarism.
Why should you be careful before clicking on a link (even if it appears to be from a legitimate source) asking you to log in, change your password or provide other personal information?
Could be legit, but could also be a "phishing" scam where you enter your information and it goes to a hacker.
Tell me at least 2 ways to protect yourself from online predators:
1. When someone threatens you, asks your too much personal information, or asks to meet you in real life, talk to your parents or an adult you trust. 2. Only communicate online with people that you know in real life, from school, your family, community, church etc...Don't communicate with strangers online. 3.Keep personal information/your account private. 4. Make sure your screen name doesn't say too much about you.
TRUE or FALSE: If you are being cyberbullied you should delete all the mean things that the bully says.
FALSE--don't delete the evidence, keep it. Save it, then tell an adult right away.
True/False: Usually an online predator will act as if they want to be your friend.
TRUE! Online predators want to trick you and make you believe that they are nice and just want to be friends. In reality they have evil intentions to harm you.
Is paraphrasing plagiarism? Explain
Paraphrasing is considered plagiarism if you use an author's unique idea or example, sentence structure, or a particular phrase or group of words that the author used.