This is what should be completed upon entering the classroom.
What is a Do-Now?
I must do this before I can use a Chromebook.
What is sign and return the technology agreement?
This month's moral focus.
What is???
True or False:
When the classroom tissues have run out, I should just go to the cabinet and grab more out.
What is False? Ask for permission first.
This will be Ms. Harwood's ________ year teaching at Triumph Academy.
What is second?
True or False:
Comic/Graphic Novels are an approved independent reading book.
When using a Chromebook during snack time, these are the two things that should be done.
What is eat snack away from chromebook and wash/clean hands before continuing.
These three things are said each morning in Homeroom.
What is Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, and the Triumph Student Creed?
This is what should be done before taking/returning a book from the Classroom Library?
What is sign in/out?
The name of Ms. Harwood's dog.
Who is Yeti?
This is where the Do-Now can be found.
Displayed on the board and .....??
This is what will happen if you are caught on a site that was not pre-approved by the teacher for the day.
What is a tech-strike?
Name 3 things to contribute to your homeroom teacher.
What are tissues, hand sanitizer, paper towels, pencils, and disinfectant wipes?
The amount of time spent independently reading each day.
NHA School Colors
What is blue, orange, and green?
Name 3 things that must be brought to ELA class each day.
What is pencil/pen, writer's journal, reading book, folder, binder, homework, etc.?
True or False:
When you get a tech strike in one class, it does not apply to your other classes.
What is False? Teachers have access to see who has tech strikes.
Every Friday morning, this takes place.
What is an assembly?
These are 3 things that will be written in your writer's journal throughout the year.
The consequence for peeling off table markers.
What is lunch detention cleaning tables/replacing them?
Name two acceptable and approved websites to visit
What is launchpad games, Dictionary.Com,, and Google Drive.
Name of the Middle School Dean.
Who is Mrs. Close?
Percentage needed to earn a dojo reward.
What is 85%+?
Whose classroom did this one used to belong to?
Who is Ms. Waynick?