Which phrase is commonly used to introduce textual evidence in writing?

a. "I think"
b. "Based on my opinion"
c. "As the author stated"
d. "According to my friend"

What is "C"?


A lesson the author wants the reader to learn. 

ex. Don't judge a book by it's cover

What is theme?


This element of a story involves the problem or struggle between opposing forces

What is conflict?


Identify the dependent clause in the following sentence: "When the sun sets, the sky turns orange."

What is "when the sun sets"?


The expression being used is: It was  raining 100 miles per hour yesterday!

What is a hyperbole?


Words around another word that can help you figure out the meaning of the word.

What are context clues?


How can a reader determine the theme of a story?

a. By memorizing the entire story
b. By paying attention to the character development and events in the story
c. By skipping to the last page of the story
d. By only looking at the illustrations

What is B?


the overall feeling or mood of the story. It can be used to create a specific atmosphere

What is tone?


The first sentence of each body paragraph needs to refer back to your ______________.

What is thesis


What type of figurative language is expressed?

 Stop beating around the bush and tell me why you didn’t show up to my birthday party!

What is a idiom?


A form of punctuation used in writing; when citing exact textual evidence to show that it's the author's words and not yours.

What are quotation marks?


Which of the following is a NOT a theme?

a. Lying may have consequences.

b. Mrs. White pleaded with Mr. White to wish for their son to be alive.

c. Never judge those based on their appearances.

What is B?


The five-paragraph essay structure consists of...

What is introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, supporting evidence, and conclusion. 



What is the main difference between an independent clause and a dependent clause?

What is..... "An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, while a dependent clause cannot"


Adding to the deception, the moth's brown coloring blends in with decomposing leaves. They can hide in plain sight. What does the phrase "hide in plain sight" mean? 

A. They pretend to be unafraid. 

B. They can clearly see a predator.

C. They prefer to sit in the open. 

D. They look like their surroundings.

What is.... "D"?

Using a mixture of the author's words and your own to prove an answer.
What is paraphrasing?

What is the theme of the sentence: "The sunflowers danced in the gentle breeze as the birds sang songs of springtime"?

a. Joy of nature
b. Winter landscapes
c. Historical events
d. Space exploration

What is A. joy of nature?


An author's preference for or against a particular person, thing or idea, in a close-minded way and seemingly unfair without reason.

What is the bias?


"Although it was raining, Maria went for a walk in the park." What type of sentence is this?

What is "complex"?


A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open”

What is a simile?

Making notes while reading to help with understanding and answering questions.
What is annotation?

Three flies notice an overturned honey pot. Two of the flies decide to land in the honey and start eating it. But the oldest fly stays back. The two flies tease the older fly, but then get stuck in the honey.

What is the theme of this story?

What is "some prizes aren't worth it..... go with your first mind.....some decisions are easy to get in but hard to get out of"


Direct words from a passage to prove an answer.

What is textual evidence?


Based on the word parts, what is the meaning of universal in the sentence? They want to know why some stories receive universal acceptance, and others do not. 

A. possible 

B. regular 

C. common 

D. serious

What is C. common?


Find the correct meaning for the idiom in this sentence: "Sophia was tickled pink when she won the contest."

a. She was embarrassed.

b. She was very pleased.

c. Her friends tickled her until she turned pink.

d. Pinkie is her name.

What is " B. she was very pleased"?
