Context Clues
Central Idea
Literary Terms

Mrs. Shumate felt particularly despondent about Christmas Break coming to an end.

What is sad/upset?


True or false: Themes can be written as one word.

What is false? 

Themes need to be written as statements.


True or false: You may have a central idea without supporting details.

What is false? 

You MUST have supporting details!


a literary device that reflects the writer's attitude toward the subject matter or audience of a literary work

What is tone?


The meaning of convey is ________________.

What is to express an idea/communicate/show?


Mrs. Haymore was elated that she got to sleep in from Dec 22-Jan 2.

What is very happy?


True or false: Usually, the theme is implicitly stated.

What is true?

You usually have to infer the theme; it is not directly stated.


These provide evidence to support the central idea.

What are supporting details?


The message the author is trying to convey.

What is theme/central idea? Either works, depending on the genre.


Teachers want students to read longer texts to build ____________.

What is stamina?


Kevin is a very magnanimous leader; he has a very noble and generous spirit. Is this a synonym or antonym clue?

What is a synonym?


The theme can be found by examining whose journey?

What is the main character/protagonist?


Analyzing the text's _____________ can help you determine the central idea. 

What is structure?


Something that lets the reader know something will happen later in the story.

What is foreshadowing?


Authors develop a character using this.

What is characterization?


Lou was sent to the haberdashery to find a new suit. He needed to wear one for his uncle’s wedding.

What is a men's clothing store?


'You should always be kind and generous to those less fortunate than you are' is a theme of which text that we read?

What is "A Christmas Carol"?


What is the central idea: Greek culture is based on shared values that connected independent city-states throughout the region and expanded as far north as Mount Olympus. Greek society was separated, and loyalties were focused around one’s city-state. Greeks considered themselves civilized and assumed outsiders to be barbaric. While Greek daily life and loyalty were centered on one’s city-state, the Greeks did create leagues, which vied for control of the peninsula and united against a common threat (such as the Persians).

What is Ancient Greeks were loyal to their city-states?

an author's reason for writing

What is author's purpose?


Authors use this literary device to make a point. It is often seen as saying the same word or phrase over and over. An example is 'nevermore' from "The Raven".

What is repetition?


Erik is gregarious, unlike his brother, who is quiet and shy.

What is outgoing/friendly?


Mrs. Cain should take the elevator because her back is bad. Why is or isn't this a good theme?

What is it's not universal/it doesn't apply to everyone.


How does the author develop the central idea that the moon has been made to symbolize evil? When is the full Moon highest in the sky and most noticeable? At midnight, a time made famous in generations of horror novels and films. Note how the behavior of a vampire-like Dracula parallels the behavior of the full Moon: Dracula rises at sunset, makes his worst mischief at midnight, and must be back down in his coffin by sunrise. The old legends were a way of personifying the behavior of the Moon, which was a much more dramatic part of people’s lives in the days before electric lights and television.

What is giving examples of how this has happened?


a figure of speech in which the same sound repeats in a group of words, such as the “b” sound in: “Bob brought the box of bricks to the basement.”

What is alliteration?


This tells us the time, place, and conditions surrounding a story. Several parts of a story can only happen in that one place and time.

What is the setting?
