True or False: You are graded on your daily reading participation.
How many restroom tickets do you get each 9 weeks?
How do I find my Chromebook number?
It's located on the back of my chair.
Where do I turn my work in?
The correctly colored drawer in the turn-in cart.
What is the 4 letter acronym that represents our classroom expectations?
When can you check books out from the classroom library?
Before school, after school, and during Paw Period
Where are you supposed to keep your restroom tickets?
Interactive Notebook
What days can I attend ELA tutoring?
Tuesdays before and after school
What percent of my grade is a major grade assignment?
Who dismisses the class?
The teacher, not the bell. I can and will hold the class after the bell if my classroom is a mess.
True or False: If i forget to bring my book to class, it is acceptable to use my phone to read.
False. You will lose points.
During which of the following can you use a restroom ticket?
* During a lesson
* During independent work time
* During independent reading time
ONLY during independent work time.
Am I allowed to have my cellphone in class?
No, unless the teacher specifically says you may use it.
How many points are deducted if my daily grade assignment is turned in one day late?
30 points
What does it mean when the teachers puts a PAWS behavior warning card on my desk?
I am receiving a warning for my behavior and will have to conference with my teacher after the lesson to explain what I was doing wrong and how I plan to make better choices.
How many books are you allowed to check out from the library at a time?
No more than 3.
How many students from our class may leave the room to use the restroom at one time?
Only one person may go at a time.
What should you do when you are finished using a classroom Chromebook?
Return it to the correctly numbered slot in the Chromecart and plug it in
After three days, does the teacher still have to accept late work?
No. A zero is given for assignments more than three days late.
What does Volume Level 2 represent?
Table talk voices
What materials should you bring to class every day?
Pencil bag with writing utensils, highlighter, colored pencils, scissors, and a glue stick.
Independent Reading Book
ELA Folder
Interactive Notebook
If you arrive late to class, are you allowed to use the restroom during that class?
Where can I find my weekly Readworks homework assignment and when is it due?
Readworks assignments are posted weekly in the Google Classroom and are always due at midnight every Tuesday night.
Where do you find make-up work when you are absent?
In the colored folder corresponding to your class period at the absent work station. It is YOUR responsibility to check the absent folder.
What happens if the teacher places TWO PAWS behavior warning cards on my desk?
That means the teacher has to call home or email home about my continued behavior in the classroom
(A third offense is an office referral.)