A "Novel" Idea
The Plot Thickens
Nonfiction Text Structures
A Room With a (Point of View)
Risky Randoms

This is the setting of "The Outsiders."

What is Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960s?


The readers are introduced to the setting and characters.

What is the Exposition?


The Environmental Protection Agency discovered an oil leak in the Atlantic ocean. To resolve the leak, they shut down an active oil rig and employed procedures to clean the water and rehabilitate the wild life affected.

What is problem/solution?


This point of view uses cue words such as "I," "my," and "me."

What is first-person point of view?


A word that describes a noun.

What is an adjective?


This is the narrator of "Freak the Mighty."

Who is Maxwell Kane?


This occurs after the falling action and reveals the outcome of the story.

What is the Resolution?


This gives characteristics and/or traits about a person, place, thing, or idea.

What is a description?

(Remember: This relates to nonfiction text structures - NOT parts of speech vocabulary.)


This point of view uses cue words such as "they," "them," "he," and "she."

What is third-person point of view?


This type of word connects two independent clauses with a comma placed before it.

What is a FANBOYS?


In "The Outsiders", this is the reason Darry had to quit college and lose his football scholarship.

What is he needed to earn money to take care of his younger brothers (so they could stay together)?


This reveals the conflict to the readers and leads to the climax of the story.

What is the Rising Action?


In 1918, my Grandfather Charles was born. He married my Grandmother Norma in 1938. Their first child, my father, was born in 1944. His younger sister, my aunt, was born in 1950. My grandfather and grandmother celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1988.

What is chronological (or sequential) order?


This point of view uses cue words such as "you" and "your."

What is second-person point of view?


Grover blames this character for being scared about turning pages during "The Monster at the End of This Book."

Who is the reader?


In "Freak the Mighty," this is how Kevin describes his father because he left him when he was born.

What is a magician?


This occurs directly after the climax. The readers begin to learn how the conflict affects the characters.

What is the Falling Action?


Kendrick and Caden are best friends. They have been going to the same school since kindergarten and have bonded over their love of sports. However, Kendrick's favorite sport is football, while Caden prefers basketball.

What is compare and contrast?


This point of view relates the events of the story from the perspective of only one character.

What is third-person limited point of view?


The responsibility of this war was inherited when Lyndon B. Johnson became president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. 

What is the Vietnam War?


In "The Outsiders," this is the novel that Johnny and Ponyboy read while they were hiding in the church. Johnny liked how the men were gallant.

What is "Gone With the Wind?"


This is the turning point of the story. It is the most intense part of the story when and where the "action" takes place.

What is the Climax?


The summer had been extra hot with very little rain to relieve the thirsty earth. There were cracks in the ground that looked like someone might fall into. People neglected their lawns because no plant was motivated to be green or grow.

What is cause and effect?


This point of view relates the events of the story from the perspective of several characters.

What is third-person omniscient point of view? 


The lesson that the author wants the reader to learn. It should be a general statement that is NOT specific to a particular story.

What is a theme?
