Figurative Language
Dictionary/Context Clues
Expository Organizational Patterns
CHOOSE FROM: Metaphor, Imagery, Rhyme, Onomatopoeia, and Personification: Chicago is a city that is fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action.
What is a METAPHOR?
"13 I did, and heard echoes and eerie sounds. They were strange, wet whistles, like songs sung in a cave." 8 In paragraph 13, the word eerie means — A close B strange C loud D bright
What is B. STRANGE?
This element is used in the following excerpt: Never give up, Never give in. Move onward and upward with strength from within.
What is the REPETITION?
"Fairies? Maybe Dad was right about Nanna’s imagination. But then I saw what Nanna meant: glistening, like strings of pearls. Like lace, the fairies’ washing hung from fences, flowers, grass. It was exactly what a fairy would wear." The author’s use of similes in paragraph 22 creates a feeling of — F courage G amazement H expectation I pride
Introduce specific bits of information for that particular paragraph.
What are HEADINGS?
CHOOSE FROM: Metaphor, Imagery, Rhyme, Onomatopoeia, and Personification: Drip—hiss—drip—hiss— fall the raindrops.
What is onomatopoeia?
"Bruce did not want to help clean up the trash by the river, but the principal told him that since he chose to skip classes on Friday, his participation in the event would be compulsory." In paragraph 7, the word compulsory best means - a. optional b. easy c. mandatory d. frequent
What is c. mandatory?
"So though my cheeks are chapped red And my nose continuously sniffles I hike through the woods like a pro. My feet push through piles of leaves Crunch, crunch, crunch" In stanza 3, what does the idiom “like a pro” mean? A to do something well B to play a sport often C to be in favor of a plan D to be in a positive mood
What is A to do something well?
"But then, one Saturday, I woke up early, in that blue, inky light before dawn. Nanna, her flowered robe wrapped tortilla tight, was creeping by my bedroom door. Where was she going? I wanted to know. So I grabbed my clothes and followed her on tiptoed feet: first into the kitchen, then out the door into the yard." How does the author reveal Nanna’s reason for getting up early in the mornings? A By providing Nanna’s response about seeing the jewel bird awaken B By explaining that Nanna does not need as much sleep as other people C By comparing the way the narrator and Nanna walk through the woods one morning D By describing the experiences the narrator has as she follows Nanna one morning
What is D. By describing the experiences the narrator has as she follows Nanna one morning?
The author uses numerical or chronological order to list items or events.
CHOOSE FROM: Metaphor, Imagery, Rhyme, Onomatopoeia, and Personification: Lives of great men remind us We can make our lives sublime; And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time.
"When Bobby asked Kelly to give him one reason why they shouldn't go, Kelly enumerated a list long enough to quiet Bobby." The word enumerated in paragraph 10 most likely means - a. to name one by one b. to scream one by one c. to sing one by one d. to shout one by one
What is a. to name one by one?
"The trees‟ bare branches beat together like bones Clacking in the wind A steady drumbeat." Stanza 8 contains an example of what literary device? A personification B alliteration C symbolism D simile
What is D simile?
"It was a jewel bird! Now I could see. My breath caught inside my chest. The bird flew past me, so close its wings made a breeze in my hair." The author includes the sentence "My breath caught inside my chest" most likely to show — F the narrator’s excitement over seeing the hummingbird G how strenuous the journey to see the hummingbird has been for the narrator H how quickly the narrator feels a connection to the hummingbird J the narrator’s surprise that the hummingbird is alive
What is F. the narrator’s excitement over seeing the hummingbird?
The author describes a topic.
CHOOSE FROM: Metaphor, Imagery, Rhyme, Onomatopoeia, and Personification: The tear-drop trickled to his chin: There was a meaning in her grin
What is RHYME?
"I've wanted to purchase the new Game Box since it came out last November, but up until now the price has been prohibitive." Based on the details in paragraph 3, the word prohibitive most likely means - a. low b. unknown c. perfect d. high
What is d. high?
"Tomorrow we will fish and rock climb Tomorrow I will watch for sparrows and wood larks Tomorrow my smile will be a real one." In stanza 13, what is the effect of the repetition of “Tomorrow”? A It builds anticipation for the next day of camping. B It emphasizes the scheduled events of tomorrow. C It shows thankfulness that the trip is almost over. D It proves that the narrator is very good at camping.
What is A It builds anticipation for the next day of camping?
"20 Pink light was making a bubble on the edge of the hill. It spread out, slowly, like jam. Bumblebees clinging to flower petals were still cold and asleep and unaware." The figurative language in paragraph 20 helps the reader imagine the — A smell of a field of wildflowers B first signs that winter is approaching C sweet taste of fresh honey in spring D sun beginning to rise on the horizon
What is D. sun beginning to rise on the horizon?
The author compares and contrasts two or more similar events, topics, or objects.
CHOOSE FROM: Metaphor, Imagery, Rhyme, Onomatopoeia, and Personification: There’s a patch of old snow in a corner
What is IMAGERY?
The Knot was grimy, moldy, crusted over. Here and there a loop stuck out, maybe big enough to stick your pinky finger through, pitiful testimony to the challengers who had tried and failed. The Latin root testis, meaning “witness,” helps the reader understand that the word testimony in paragraph 2 means F warning G evidence H attempt J assistance
What is G. evidence?
Which line in the poem uses alliteration to emphasize a visual picture? A. 3. Crisp, clear, crackling. B. 6. Yet here I am, C. 13. Eerily quiet except for the wind howling past us D. 21. I thrive on cold soda and cake
What is A. 3. Crisp, clear, crackling.?
"17 Dad had told me Nanna made up the jewel bird. But what if he was wrong?" The author includes the question in paragraph 17 most likely to — F suggest a change in the narrator’s beliefs G show the narrator’s desire to be adventurous H reveal the narrator’s lack of knowledge J indicate the narrator’s feelings toward her father
What is F. suggest a change in the narrator’s beliefs?
The author poses a problem or question and then gives the answer.