Text Structures
Elements of Plot
Text Graphics
Non-fiction resources
This is a fictional text that can usually be read in less than an hour and focuses around one main idea, mood, or theme.
What is a short story.
Text which includes statements that can be proven correct or incorrect. Also can include statements that are subjective or based on one's own thoughts and feelings.
What is fact and opinion.
This is the surroundings in which the story takes place. Includes time, place, and social environment.
What is setting
This text graphic is a drawn or created by an artist.
What is a cartoon or illustration?
This is were I would look to find a collection of maps.
What is an atlas?
This is written in lines and stanzas, and usually revolves around one idea or theme.
What is poetry
This text structure will show events in the order in which they occurred.
What is Sequence of Events or Chronological Order?
This is the most intense part of the story, usually when the conflict is somehow resolves. Often this is near the middle of the story.
What is the climax?
This a labeled drawing that represents an area. Most include a legend.
What is map?
If i wanted to know the denotation of a word (or its literal meaning), I would look here.
What is a dictionary?
Meant to be performed, most of the text in this genre is written as dialogue.
What is drama, or a play.
This text structure uses many adjectives and adverbs. It will give examples and explain the way something really looks or feels.
What is description?
This is a conflict that occurs when a character is battling the elements. For example, Stefan must make it through a jungle full of vicious animals. poisonous snakes, and several spots of quicksand.
What is Character vs. Nature
This text graphic helps you understand a topic by giving detailed information. Lines, labels, and captions help explain this text graphic.
What is a diagram?
If I was looking for a collection of primary and secondary sources for a research project, I would check here first.
What is computer database?
This work of fiction may be several hundred pages long. It includes characters, point of view, dialogue and exposition. It usually contains one big conflict but may have other smaller conflicts, as well.
What is a novel?
This text feature shoes how facts, events, and concepts relate to other facts, events, and concepts. Clue words: If/then statements, as a result of, consequently...
What is Cause and Effect?
The big idea in a story.
What is theme?
This graphic shows events in the order in which they happened.
What is timeline?
If I wanted to read a first person private account of someone's life, I would look for one of these.
What is a diary or journal.
Like 145th Street, this could be a collection of short stories, poems, fairy tales, etc...
What is an anthology.
This text structure talks about a difficult situation and proposes a way to fix it.
What is Problem/Solution
When we look at a character's speech, thoughts, emotions, actions, and looks to determine what kind of person they are.
What is characterization?
These graphics show a relationship between different groups of numbers. You can easily examine data by glancing at one of these. There are three main types of these.
What are graphs: bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs.
This resources is usually very small, includes some text and pictures, and is often meant to persuade you to buy something, invest in something. or vote for something/someone.
What is a brochure?