Point of View
Character Analysis
1st Person
In what point of view is the passage written in? “I witnessed the kidnapping of Betty Ann Mulvaney. Well, me and the twenty-three other people in first period Latin class at Clayton High School (student population 1,200). Unlike everybody else, however, I actually did something to try and stop it. Well, sort of. I went, “Kurt, what are you doing?” Kurt just rolled his eyes. He was all, “Relax, Jen. It’s a joke, okay?”
A central message expressed in a story.
What is the definition of "theme?"
What is the missing term of this passage? "___________can appear as character memories or dreams, or in dialogue or narration. They provide background information that clarifies current actions in the story."
To predict beforehand. (answers may vary)
What does the word "foreshadow" mean? The morpheme “fore” means “before”…
Tells the audience what the personality of the character is.
What is direct characterization?
What does the term "omniscient" mean?
what goes around comes around
What would be an appropriate theme for this passage? "Travis was having a really bad day. He was being rude to everyone. He pushed Frederick on his way to class, and even threw Michael's books out of his hands. When it came time to go to the in-school game Travis got to the concession stand and ordered a hot dog and soda. As Travis waited for his snacks, he sunk his hand into his pocket only to find that he had lost his money. He turned to see that Michael was laughing at him."
To explain something in the present
What is a flashback used for?
to suggest something is about to happen
What is the definition of foreshadow?
Shows things that reveal the personality of a character.
What is indirect characterization?
third person omniscient
Which point of view is the following passage written in? "Jim slowly opened the blinds. He couldn't believe his eyes! There was more than a foot of snow! He couldn't be more excited for what he hoped would be a snow day. Mrs. Johnson, on the other hand, his science teacher, was extremely disappointed to find all the snow that morning. That meant another day lost for the long awaited science experiment. She hoped they would have enough time to do the experiment in school the next day."
Everyone has the power to change and money alone cannot buy happiness
What is the theme of "A Christmas Carol"? ?
What is the missing word in the passage below? "______________occurs when the author tells about an event that happened before the current time of the story."
This foreshadows that the church will catch on fire.
?What does the following quote foreshadow: ?? "We were careful with our cigarettes-if that old church ever caught fire there'd be no stopping it."
Speech Thoughts Effects on others Actions Looks
What does the mnemonic S.T.E.A.L mean?
Third-person limited
Which point of view is used when the narrator tells the story from the point of one character?
a universal idea presented within the story
What is the definition for theme in a "story?"
tell of events that lead up to the present events
What is the definition of flashback?
This foreshadows that Johnny will indeed use his switchblade later to protect Ponyboy.
What does the following quote foreshadow:? "And Johnny, who was the most law-abiding of us, now carried in his back pocket a six-inch switchblade. He'd use it, too, if he ever got jumped again. Nobody was ever going to beat him like that again. Not over his dead body."
Answer: D
Which of the following is an example of direct characterization? a. “So all we could do was to Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! And we did not like it. Not one little bit.” b. “But we can have lots of fun that is funny!” c. “When the cat returns to clean up his mess at the end of the story the fish is shown with a smile on his face.” d. “The patient boy and quiet girl were both well mannered and did not disobey their teacher.”
Sentence 3: Joshua began to worry that they wouldn't make it home before dark.
Which sentence shows this passage is written from a third person limited point of view.?? “(1)Joshua and Sydney went for a long bike ride that evening. (2)The sun was beginning to set in the distance. (3)Joshua began to worry that they wouldn't make it home before dark. (4)He suggested that they take a short cut on the way home.”
You should be nice to people, you never know who you may need.
What would be an appropriate theme for this passage? "Caleb was having a really bad day. He was being rude to everyone. He pushed Frederick on his way to class, and even threw Michael's books out of his hands. When it came time to go to the in-school game Caleb got to the concession stand and ordered a hot dog and soda. As Caleb waited for his snacks, he sunk his hand into his pocket only to find that he had lost his money. He turned to see that Michael was laughing at him."
C. Pony explains to Cherry how Johnny was beaten
A flashback scene occurs in the novel ?“The Outsiders” when: a. Pony imagines how life on a farm would be b. Johnny is in the hospital thinking about his mother c. Pony explains to Cherry how Johnny was beaten d. Soda thinks about his future with Sandy
An even worse winter was predicted.
Which best foreshadowed what might happen in the story? One fine summer day, Grasshopper was hopping about in the field. As he chirped and danced, he spied Ant carrying a big kernel of corn to his nest. Grasshopper watched as Ant came back, lifted another kernel, then carried it to the nest as well. This happened repeatedly. Finally, Grasshopper asked, "Ant, why do you work so hard on such a lovely day?“ Soon it will be winter," replied Ant. "I'm gathering food for my family. I suggest you do the same!“ Why bother about winter?" asked Grasshopper. "There's plenty of food in the fields now!“ Ant remembered last winter and how deep snow had covered everything. There had been no way to get out of his anthill, let alone try to find food! Now, an even worse winter was predicted. "You'll feel differently when the big snow comes!" said Ant, as he shook his head and walked away. When winter came, Grasshopper had no food. The fields were covered with deep snow. Grasshopper was very hungry and sad, knowing that Ant had food enough because he had worked hard to prepare in advance.
Indirect Characterization
Look at this example and figure out if the writer used direct or indirect characterization: “I'm happy working at a gas station. Working with cars. I'm dumb. It's alright, I don't mind. You're not Pony. You'd never be happy doing something like that.”