can be written as fractions, a/b, whole numbers, and decimals.
What is Rational Numbers?
The Value of | X | is the non-negative value of x without regard to its sign.
What is Absolute Value
The two numbers when converting the fraction into a decimal.
What is divide numerator by denominator.
A visual representation of numbers on a straight line. This line is used to compare numbers placed at equal intervals on an infinite line that extends on both sides, horizontally or vertically.
What is a Number Line?
Another term that can be used to represent whole numbers.
| 75 |
What is 75
1/2 into decimal
What is 0.5
Anything to the left of 0 on a number line.
What are negative numbers
Real numbers that can’t be represented as simple fractions or an ongoing decimal.
What is Irrational Numbers
| -1.25 |
What is 1.25
0.10 into fraction form.
What is 1/10
> , < , =
What is Greater, Less, and Equal Sign
This symbol/number 3.14159265358 ....... represents an irrational number.
What is Pi
| √36 |
What is 6
What is 50
How many spaces is -12 from 3?
What is 15 spaces
0/5 is an irrational number.
What is False
|√144 | x |-5| -25
What is 35?
1/2 + 1/4
What is .75 or 3/4
On a number line, the number 0 has another term that can be used when making a number line.
What is Origin