The location of the story (also includes the time period)
What does A.R.M.S. stand for?
Add, Remove, Move, Substitute
What does C.U.P.S. stand for?
Capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling
Extended Constructed Response
The universal message or lesson of the story (what the author wants you to learn)
What is P.I.E. ?
Author's purpose - persuade, inform, entertain
Fix this sentence:
The big gigantic dog barked loudly at the mailman.
The gigantic dog barked loudly at the mailman.
Correct the following sentence:
i went to dallas last summer to visit my aunt.
I went to Dallas last summer to visit my aunt.
The I and D need to be capitalized.
How many pieces of text evidence do you have to have PER STORY if the ECR is over a PAIRED PASSAGE?
1 per story
The turning point of the story where the problem gets solved or a goal is reached (on the plot diagram)
Diagrams, Timelines, Graphs, Charts, etc. are all examples of what?
The storm clouds gathered in the sky. _____, we knew we had to hurry inside.
A. Next
B. Suddenly
C. As a result
D. Meanwhile
C. As a result
Fix this sentence:
My brother loves pizza tacos and hamburgers.
My brother loves pizza, tacos, and hamburgers.
You need commas to separate the "listed" items.
What is the theme of The Party?
The theme of the party is...
Read the following paragraph and INFER what the character was FEELING:
Lena had spent weeks preparing for the talent show, practicing her piano piece every day. But when she stepped onto the stage, her hands trembled, and she played several wrong notes. The audience was silent. After the show, her friend Mia smiled and said, “You were so brave to get up there. I couldn’t do that.”
What is central idea AND how many supporting details must you have to support it?
Identify and remove unnecessary words from this sentence:
In my personal opinion, I think that summer is the best season of the year.
In my opinion, summer is the best season of the year.
Fix the sentence:
Me and my friend was going to the mall, but we changed are minds.
My friend and I were going to the mall, but we changed our minds.
What is the revising / editing strategy called that we use to make corrections to our ECR before we submit it?
External Conflict
Compare and Contrast, Problem and Solution, Cause and Effect, Chronological / Sequential, and Description
The sentence is unclear. Rearrange it to make it sound better.
Walking into the room, the smell of fresh cookies made my mouth water.
As I walked into the room, the smell of fresh cookies made my mouth water.
Fix this sentence:
last week, my freind and me seen a movie called the hunger games it was really exiting!
Last week, my friend and I saw a movie called The Hunger Games. It was really exciting!
What is the order that you type your ECR planning sheet in?
Intro, Cite 1, Explain 1, Cite 2, Explain 2, Conclusion