The decimal value equivalent to 7/10
The fraction which is equivalent to -0.25
-0.06 - (-0.86)
-15 divided by -5/8
-4/13 - 8/13
-20 divided by 0.5
The world's smallest nation is Vatican City. It's area is 0.17 square miles. Express this value as a fraction.
To make a small amount of play dough, you can mix 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of salt and 1/2 cup of water. What is the total amount of ingredients added to make the play dough?
2 cups
The snowfall in Rochester, NY in the winter of 1999-2000 was 91.5 inches. Normal snowfall is about 76 inches per winter. How much more snow fell in the winter of 1999-2000 than is normal?
15.5 inches
Turn 1/3 into a decimal.
-5/4 + 1/12
-1 1/6
-5/12 - (-2/24)