A comparison between two things using “like” or “as”: Her smile is as sweet as honey.
A type of poem that has a plot like a story, but the structure of a poem.
Narrative Poem
This term refers to the emotional or cultural associations that a word carries beyond its literal meaning.
What is connotation?
The term that refers to the direct meaning of a word
Answer: What is denotation?
In this story, we meet Farah, a girl determined to cross safely into Pakistan, despite the fact she had only one leg.
The Other Side of the Sky
A comparison between two things by making one item into another item: "Life ain't been no crystal stair".
a group of lines of poetry
The word "slim" has a more positive connotation than this word, which can imply a lack of health.
What is skinny (scrawny, thin)?
The words "childish" and "youthful" both describe young behavior but have different connotations. What word describes behavior that is considered immature?
What is childish?
In this poem, a man burns the body of his dead friend, after making a promise to.
The Cremation of Sam McGee.
Giving inanimate (non-living)objects or animals human characteristics: The wind whispered sweet lullabies.
A pattern in the verses that you can hear through the stressed syllables when the poem is read
When the word "cheap" is used to describe a product, it often carries a negative connotation, implying low quality. What is a more positive synonym that suggests affordability?
What is economical (affordable, inexpensive)?
The feeling the word "junk" connotes in the following sentence: The messy room was cluttered with junk that no one seemed to care about.
What is useless or worthless?
In this text, Ernesto learns the value of patience and determination if he wants to be a "good American".
Barrio Boy
A grand exaggeration: It is hot enough in here to fry an egg.
When the ends of 2 or more lines have words with the same ending sound
rhyme scheme
The word "curious" has a more positive connotation than this word, which can imply prying or intrusiveness.
What is nosy?
The feeling connoted by the word fiery in the sentence: "She has a fiery personality that lights up the room."
What is intense or passionate?
In this text, a boy defends a man's claim from stake jumpers in the Klondike.
The King of Mazy May
An expression that is commonly known and understood, but doesn't fit the literal meaning of the words: It's raining cats and dogs.
A type of poetry that has no specific structure or rhyme scheme
Free Verse
In literature, this type of language uses connotation to evoke feelings or imagery in the reader. This could be done through metaphor, hyperbole, etc.
What is figurative language?
The connotation of the word "snake" can imply deceitfulness. What is another word that has a similarly negative connotation associated with betrayal?
What is traitor?
In this poem, a man pursues a "glimmering girl" after a day of fishing.
The Song of Wandering Aengus