What word means: full of life, lively, alive?
What word means "a joining together for a common purpose"?
Who are the children taking August on a tour of the school?
Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte
What costume does Auggie finally decide to wear to school on Halloween?
Bleeding Scream
How do you check if a verb is action or linking?
Replace the verb with a form of "to be"
What is the definition of the word "literate"?
able to read and write
What word means "one of a kind"?
Why doesn't Auggie offer to help Henry open his lock?
Henry put his backpack in between him and Auggie
What caused Auggie's facial problems?
Both of Auggie's parents carry the mutant gene.
What tense is the following sentence in?
The dental assistant will find your chart
What word means "to puzzle completely, confuse"?
What does buffoon mean?
a clown; a coarse, stupid person
Why is Summer mad at Auggie?
She is mad at Auggie because he accuses her of only being friends with him because Mr. Tushman made her.
What does Mom mean when she says, "...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."?
She means if parents have bad manners, so will their children.
What tense is the following sentence in?
She has tipped the waiter five dollars.
Present perfect
What word means "mixed, of different kinds"?
What word means "easily angered"?
Why doesn't Jack want to talk about sledding with Julian and Miles?
He realizes Lightning was the old sled Miles had left at Skeleton Hill, and Jack is too embarrassed to admit he is the "hobo" who took it and repaired it.
When does Auggie know for sure that there is this thing at Beecher Prep about touching him?
When Tristan washes his hands as soon as possible after Auggie's hand bumps his.
What tense is the following sentence in?
Birds were eating crumbs in the yard.
Past progressive
What does fruitless mean?
not producing the desired results, unsuccessful
What word means "deadly, extremely harmful"?
When Auggie goes to Summer's home to do homework, what surprising thing does he find out about her?
Auggie discovers Summer is biracial.
Why doesn't Auggie like school events that include parents?
Parents aren't used to seeing Auggie, and he feels all eyes are on him.
What is the "equation" for perfect tense?
to have + past participle