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Colonization and Native Americans
Causes of the American Revolution
1840 - 1890

The U.S. Constitution was made to protect the government.  It was the first time a document like this was created.

The US Constitution was made to set up rules for the new country, after the Revolutionary War.  It was the second try - the first was the Articles of Confederation, which failed.


The introduction to the Constitution is called this

What is the Preamble?


Describe the Colombian Exchange.  

Be sure to include one positive aspect, and one negative.

An exchange of goods from the Old World (Europe) to the New World (America)

Positive:  new products

Negative:  disease, slavery


Give 2 facts about the French and Indian War

The French and Indians fought TOGETHER on the same side, against the British.

The British needed money, and this led to many taxes on the colonists

Ended salutory neglect


What is Manifest Destiny?

The belief that God wanted America to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast.

(It also included the belief that the entire continent should be "Americanized," with western thinking and Christianity.)


Congress is part of the Judicial branch.

(Please make 2 corrections.)

"Congress is part of the __________ branch."

"_________ is part of the Judicial branch."

Congress is part of the Legislative branch.

The Supreme Court (and lower courts) are part of the Judicial branch.


Explain why the Constitution is considered to be a "living document"

The "Elastic Clause" allows for powers to be expanded, and Amendments allow the Constitution to change and grow


Three main reasons why the European explorers came to the new world

HINT:  they should all start with the same letter

What are God, Glory, and Gold

(Religious freedom, fame, and money)


The first tax on colonists.  Was on ALL printed materials.

What was the Stamp Act


What was the Trans-Continental Railroad, and why was it important?

For 100 Bonus points: name the two groups who did most of the work.

NOTE:  an answer that just states that it was a railroad is NOT worth any points.  Define "trans-continental" in your response.

a railroad that stretched across the continent, from the East coast to the West coast.  It was completed in the late 19th century, and opened trade and expansion of the west.

BONUS:  it was built mostly by Irish laborers on the East coast, and Chinese laborers on the West coast.


Checks and balances has to do with the federal banking.

Checks and Balances are how the three branches of government "keep an eye" on each other, and make sure that no single branch has too much power.


List at least 2 details about the Federalists


were for the Constitution exactly as it was written

did NOT believe a Bill of Rights was necessary

believed that Checks and Balances prevented a King

believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution

Believed in a strong CENTRAL governnment


Explain the difference between a Primary source, and a Secondary source.

Primary:  a first-hand account, created by someone who was there.

Secondary:  was created AFTER the event occurred.


Name two ways the colonists protested taxes

Boycott (refused to buy or use certain items)

Sons of Liberty (led the Boston Tea Party)

Used tar and feathers


How did the Compromise of 1850 imapct the US?



fugitive slave 

New Mexico / Utah 


The founding Fathers agreed on everything during the writing of the Constitution.  There was no need for COMPROMISE.

(NOTE: you should list and explain a 2-part answer. You must include the word "Compromise" in both parts.)

There are two compromises in the Constitution:  

The 3/5 Compromise was a way of counting slaves in the South.  Every 5 slaves would count as 3 people for taxes and population.

The Great Compromise created a two-part Congress: the Senate, and the House of Representatives. This is known as a bicameral system.


List at least two details about the Anti-Federalists


Would not ratify the Constitution until a Bill of Rights was added, which guaranteed government count not abuse the people

Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution

Favored strong state governments.


name the three Colonial Regions, and give a fact about each

New England Colonies:  whaling, trade, cities

Middle Colonies:  breadbasket, trade and agriculture, cities and farms

Southern Colonies: agriculture, slave labor, cash crops


What was the Boston Massacre?  What artist is connected to the Boston Massacre, and why? (You MUST answer both parts to get credit!)

Event during the Causes of the American Revolution that divided the Loyalists and the Patriots.  It was basically a snowball fight that got out of hand.

Paul Revere made a wood-cutting, that has several errors. He created it as propaganda, to get the colonists on the side of freedom.

Errors:   Showed the British soldiers in a straight line, showed the colonists as victims, shows daylight instead of night, is missing snow and ice


What was the Indian Removal Act?

NOTE:  a response of "an act that removed Indians" is worth ZERO points

An act of Congress that forced the Native American out of their land in Georgia and Florida


The French and Indian War would have no impact on the American Revolution.

The French and Indian War left the British in debt, so the British taxed the Colonists to help pay that debt. The Colonists got so angry about not having a "voice," it led to revolt.


name one famous Federalist, and one famous Anti-Federalist

Federalist:  Alexander Hamilton

Anti-Federalist:  Thomas Jefferson


How did the early colonists decide where to settle? Why?

Near water.  (for farming, for water for drinking and crops, for transportation.)


Answer these questions about the Declaration of Independence:

Why was it written?

Who is considered the Father of the Declaration?

What was the result of the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence explained why the Colonists were leaving England, and forming their own country.  

The father of the Constitution was Thomas Jefferson.  

The Declaration of Independence led to the Revolutionary War.


List TWO positive effects that occurred because of actions during the second half of the 19th century, and TWO negative effects.


Expansion of American land 

Increased trade and influence 

Increased farm land and raw materials, 

the Louisiana Purchase almost doubled the size of the country 

Use of the Mississippi River and Pacific Ocean


Destroyed the Native American way of life

Plains Indians were forced to completely abandon their way of life and move to reservations

Indian Removal Act

Trail of Tears

huge numbers of Buffalo were killed
