Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling
Test Strategies
Subject-Verb Agreement
Test Day
Conjunctive Adverbs and Other Transitional Devices

What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "He seems to feel that life is a series of trails and misfortunes." 

a) Change "seems" to "seem" b) Change "trails" to "trials" c) Change "misfortunes" to "missfortunes" d) No change needs to be made

What is "Change 'trails' to 'trials'?


The group of people for whom you are writing. 

What is "audience"?


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "The shell, which has two parts, the carapace or upper part and the plastron or bottom part, serve both as the turtle's home and its armor."

a) Change "has" to "have" b) Change "serve" to "serves" c) Change "serve" to "served" d) No change should be made.

What is "Change serve to serves"?


You should make sure you get this the night before the test.

What is a good night's sleep?


What change, if any, should be made to sentence 4: "(3) Thomas Edison invented over one thousand things. (4) Otherwise, he is best known for three inventions that changed the world: the phonograph, the light bulb, and the movie camera."

 a) Remove the comma after "Otherwise" b) Change "Otherwise" to "Furthermore" c) Change "Otherwise" to "However" d) Change "Otherwise" to "Lastly"

What is "Change Otherwise to However?


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Just as the blacksmith forges metal, or it is shaped by heating it and pounding it on an anvil, we are all tested 'at the flaming forge of life.'" 

a) Change "metal" to "medal" b) Remove the comma after "metal" c) Change "it is shaped" to "shapes it" d) No change is needed in this sentence.

What is "it is shaped to shapes it"?


An author's reason for writing. This could be to inform, persuade, entertain, and even describe. 

What is author's purpose


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "If something threatens it, the turtle pulls its head and legs into its shell and wait until the threat has passed." 

a) Change "threatens" to "threaten" b) Change "pulls" to "pull" c) Change "wait" to "waits" d) No change needs to be made

What is "Change wait to waits"?


The length of time you have on the day of the STAAR test in which you must select your answers, record your answers on your answer document, and complete planning, revising, editing, and finalizing your written composition.

What is 4 hours?


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Back then, kids started working when they were young; in fact, Edison got a job on the railroad when he was twelve, selling newspapers and snacks." 

a) Change the semicolon to a comma b) Change "in fact" to "moreover" c) Change "in fact" to "still" d) No change should be made

What is "No change should be made"?


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "He has losed his wife and is raising his children by himself, but he feels no bitterness or remorse." 

a) Change "losed" to "lost" b) Add a comma after "wife" c) Remove the comma after "himself" d) No change is needed in this sentence.

What is "Change losed to lost"?


What is the thesis statement formula?

What is topic + claim + 2 reasons


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "The body temperature of leatherback turtles are usually higher than the temperature of the water they swim in because they have a high rate of metabolism." 

a) Change "are" to "is" b) Change "swim" to "swims" c) Change "have" to "has" d) No change needs to be made

What is "Change are to is."?


You should make sure you do these 2 things on the morning of the STAAR test.

What is eat a healthy breakfast and be on time to school!


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Soon, Edison was getting patents for his inventions consequently, he set up his own laboratory in Newark, New Jersey." 

a) Add a semicolon before "consequently" b) Change "consequently" to "instead" c) Change "consequently" to "additionally" d) Add a comma before "consequently"

What is "Add a semicolon before consequently"


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Although outwardly Longfellow's life was very differently from the blacksmith's, he, too, was tested." 

a) Change "outwardly" to "outward" b) Change "differently" to "different" c) Change "blacksmith's" to "blacksmith" d) No change is needed in this sentence.

What is "Change differently to different"?


The stages of the writing process. (Must be said in order)

What is prewriting/brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing?


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Turtles do not have teeth, but they had a sharp, jagged beak that they use for cutting and tearing their food." 

a) Change "do" to "does" b) Change "had" to "have" c) Change "use" to "uses" d) No change needs to be made

What is "Change had to have"?


You are not allowed to do this for the entire 4 hours of testing.

What is talk, disturb others, or move around the room?


What change, if any, should be made to sentence 29: "(27) Today we have smart phones and hand-held computers. (28) We listen to music on CD and watch DVDs. (29) Without Thomas Edison's pioneering work, our world would be a very different place."

 a) All in all, b) To begin with, c) Therefore, d) However,

What is "However,"?


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "When people become famous, some of them gives up old friends and court only those richer and more famous than they are."

a) Change "gives" to "give" b) Change "richer" to "richest" c) Change "more famous" to "famouser" d) No change needs to be made

What is "Change gives to give"?


What do you need to include in the introduction of your expository essay? 

(Must say in order)

What is "Hook, Transitional Sentence, & Thesis"


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Snapping turtles, the largest of the freshwater turtles in the United States, are aggressive hunters that feed on smaller aquatic animals and plants." 

a) Change "are" to "is" b) Change "are" to "am" c) Change "feed" to "feeds" d) No change needs to be made

What is "No change needs to be made"?


You are not allowed to have this with you in your testing classroom on the day of STAAR testing.

What is an electronic device (cell phone, smartwatch etc).


What change, if any, should be made to the following paragraph: "(21) Next Edison wanted to photograph people and things in motion and play the moving images back. (22) George Eastman had invented camera film. (23) In 1891, Edison used this film to invent the Kinetograph, a motion-picture camera that recorded movement onto film." 

a) Add "Earlier" to the beginning of sentence 22 b) Change "used" to "uses" in sentence 23 c) Add a comma after "people" in sentence 21 d) No change needs to be made

What is "Add "Earlier" to the beginning of sentence 22"
