When you enter the room properly you have...
You just heard the bell or chime. What do you do?
Stop talking, look at teacher, put your hand up.
You just entered the room, there is a bin of materials on your table, what do you do?
Wait for instructions before touching anything.
When should you leave the STEM Room?
put up two fingers.
How might you lose your Participation point?
Making a negative classroom contribution.
Distracting others, talking, and not paying attention.
You just took your seat, where does your bag go?
Under the table or against the wall
Where should your table and chairs be when you are ready to leave?
Table legs should be lined up in the boxes and chairs pushed in.
under the table or in the front of the room.
How do you make sure you keep your point for Effort?
Keep trying, keep working, do not give up. Put forth your best effort.
You took your seat but you see the person next to you has their backpack on the back of their chair. What should you do?
Materials/Supplies - Where should they be before you leave the room?
Put back where you found them.
How can you show respect for the materials in the classroom?
Not treating them as toys, putting them back where they are belong, being safe. Cleaning up.
If your bag is not under the table or in front of the room, what will happen? If you are late to class, what will happen?
You will lose your readiness point.
The teacher calls for 2 Claps, what do you do?
What are some of the wrong ways to enter the room?
Loud, going to wrong table, shoving, unprepared, bad attitude, and lets not forget, late.
First, re-read the directions, second, ask someone at your table for help.
If you get anything below 5pts, where can you find out what you lost points on, if you do not already know?
Check Pupil Path comments for that assignment.
Someone at your table is talking but the bell was rung and the teacher called for 2 claps, what could you do?
What are the right ways to enter the room?
Quiet, orderly, superb attitude, going directly to your table, and prepared.
You are cleaning up to leave but you have many materials that do not seem like trash, such as, unused foil, cardboard or paper, where should you put it?
What career did Mr. Marzella have before teaching?