WQ Review
Mixed Facts
What information is safe to share online?
interests, hobbies, likes/dislikes, first name ONLY
How can you tell if a site is secure for entering personal information?
https or a lock icon
Why can't you believe everything you read online?
There are some fake sites or sites with bad information.
What type of software would you use to type a document?
Word processing software
Tell 3 fake websites that we looked at in class during the website validity lesson.
Great Lakes Whale Watching, All About Explorers, Dehydrated Water, Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, Spaghetti Harvest, Google Pigeonrank
Give 3 online safety tips:
Answers vary. Some examples: don't click on popups, think BEFORE you post, don't give out personal information, tell an adult if you see something threatening, etc.
Tell 3 things you should never do when you are online:
Answers vary. Some examples: DO NOT give out your personal information, click on popups, download random files, etc.
Why is it dangerous to download files from random sites?
The file may contain a virus or it may be an illegal/pirated file.
When working on an assignment, you should do this frequently so you don't lose your work. Hint: Google does this automatically.
What two things should you always do if you agree to meet in person with someone you met online?
Meet in a very public place, bring along a friend or parent, and tell someone exactly where you are going.
You are using the Internet in a chatroom and the "teen" on the other end of the chat repeatedly asks for your name and phone number. What should you do?
Don't give out your personal information. If they keep bothering you either block them or tell an adult.
What are 4 things you should do when checking the validity or a website?
See who made the site, check when the site was updated, make sure the site loads properly, read the site to see if it makes sense, verify the information on other sites.
What is plagiarism?
When you take a file or idea without permission and use it as your own. You also DO NOT give credit to the copyright owner.
What is font?
The size and style of lettering.
Will running a spellcheck always find ALL errors in your document?
Who should you tell your usernames and passwords to?
No one. Possibly your parent(s).
What is it called when you send a letter through the computer?
What are 3 reasons that you should think before you post?
Answers vary. Some examples: you may post something that could get you in trouble or keep you from getting a job/into college, you may accidentally over share personal information, once you post something online it can last for decades, etc.
What can you create in Google Slides?
Slideshow or multimedia presentation
Why is it a bad idea to use bad language or make threats while chatting online?
Answers vary: Some examples are - You can get in trouble, it may be illegal, it is easy to have evidence of what you said/did online, it may keep you from getting a job or getting into college, etc.
Give 2 examples of cyberbullying:
Calling someone names online, making a fake website about someone, sending mean or threatening texts, etc.
What is downloading?
When you take an image or program off of the Internet and save it to your computer.
In our web quest, why did some parents want to remove the Internet from the Junior High?
When students are in school, parents are not there to watch over them. The parents are worried that their students will be exposed to the many online dangers, such as predators, inappropriate websites, viruses, etc.
What is the difference between a spreadsheet and a database?
Both are organized collections of information, but a database is EASILY SEARCHABLE.
What is Internet piracy?
When you download illegal copies of a file (such as a movie, song, image, etc.). Usually you do not pay for the file and it effects the profits of the copyright holder.