Who was the most hated king in English history
Year of the Spanish Armada?
Who led the French during the 100 yr. war & was known as the “Maid of Orleans”?
Joan of Arc
Who invented the movable printing press?
Johann Gutenburg
Where did Charles V declare Martin Luther a heretic?
Year of the Peace of Augsburg signed
What yr. did the Protestant Reformation begin?
What English author & playwright is known as the greatest writer the world has ever known?
William Shakespeare
What nickname did Mary Tudor receive for her persecution of English Protestants?
Bloody Mary
Who translated the Bible into English for the 1st time?
John Wycliffe
Year KJV Bible was created?
What “lady king” of Denmark ruled from Finland to Greenland, the largest kingdom in Europe at that time?
What line of kings did Henry II of England Begin?
What was the statement did Martin Luther nail to the doors of the Wittenburg Castle?
95 Thesis
Who was the Christian reformer in Geneva?
John Calvin
Whose coronation in 987 marks the birth of the French nation?
Hugh Capet
What church court was established to investigate matters of alleged heresy?
What religious group had the philosophy of “the end justifies the means”?
What Roman church official traveled through Germany selling indulgences?
Who was the Christian reformer in Bohemia?
John Huss
What government did Cromwell set up after he dissolved Parliament in 1653?
What name was given to the Battle, when William the Conqueror claimed the throne of England?
Norman Conquest
What movement was a response to the Protestant Reformation?
Who led the Scottish Reformation?
John Knox
Who published the 1st printed edition of the NT in the original Greek?
Desiderius Erasmus