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A great Opportunity
Testing Out
hodge pode
A student in the sophomore cohort who is in the 10th grade an a Gen ed student
What is T2X
In order to be eligible for an opportunity program, you must meet these 2 eligibility criteria
What is academic and financial
I am the program that provides free life time vocational rehabilitation serives for students with disabilities
What is ACCES-VR
Regents requirements are now a 4 +1 option. While I may have a choice in the +1, the 4 must include these subjects
What are English, Math, Social Studies and Science
IN order to be college ready I need this score on this type of regetns in mathematics
What is 70 on common core regents
A student who is in his 4th year of high school but in the 11th grade taking ESL
What is R3E
Whether I am in a 2 year or 4 year state school, if I am eligible I can receive this opportunity
What is EOP
I can receive this much money to assist me with college from ACCES-VR
What is the total tuition of CUNY ad SUNY
If I have a 90 average on my regents exams I will get this type of diploma
What is a regents with Honors
Tammy was abused by her father and placed in Foster care, living in a group home from age 10 to 15. Then she went to live with her aunt and uncle. She is ____, because_____
What is independent, because she was in foster care at age 13
This is what an IEP student has that allows them to pass regents with a 55 instead of a 65
What is a safety net
I am the opportunity program available to student who attend community college in NYC
What is College Discovery
If I have an IEP I should go to this place to register it
What is the office of disability services
IF I am a student with an IEP who passes their regents with a score of 45-65 or a gen ed student who successfully appeals 2 regents exams, I will receive this type of diploma
What is a local diploma
Brooke is kicked out of home at age 17 and stays with a friend. Her friend’s Mother informs the school. In September of 2015, the school counselor spoke with Brooke’s mom, who is not willing to let her come back home. The school determines Brooke is an unaccompanied youth. She is _____ because______
What is Independent School District Homeless Liaison can verify she is an “unaccompanied” youth after July 1, 2015.
Students in official classes ending in the letter T receive thest types of services
What is ICT or team teaching
I am the opportunity program available to students who attend private schools in NYS
What is HEOP
Wow, I did not know that could get this much money for room and board
What is $3000
When I meet the requirements for an advanced regents and get an 85 in 3 math or 3 science I will get this type of diploma
What is an advanced regents with Mastery
Al was living on the streets of Brooklyn for a month. He found out about a place called Phoenix House. He stayed there until June 2015, when he moved back home. Al is _______ because____
What is dependent because he moved back home before July 1, 2015
A student with an official class ending in N or P will have this type of service as part of their IEP
What is SETSS or Resource Room
This student attends a 4 year CUNY. Even though s/he is undocumented, while they may not be able to receive money, they can still receive services through this opportunity program
What is SEEK
I am the federal program that helps provides services to assist students with disabilities
What is Trio program or student support services
although it can be confusing at first, if I have an IEP and score at least a 55 on the English and math regents, for every regents I score a 65 in I can pass another regents with a 45. What matters most is that my regents average out to a 55
What is Compensation scoring
All my 4 year choices may be off of the table because I can't get pass the 63 on the CC math regents and a 72 on the CC Ela Regents. My dream college said that I am not this
What is college ready