"... Whoever has seen me has seen the Father..." Luke 14:9 (Tell the truth it expresses.)
Who is Jesus and the Father are one?
... "Listen, house of David! ... Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel" Isaiah 7:13-14
(Tell the truth it expresses.)
Who is Jesus born of Mary?
"[W]hoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst: the water I shall give will become.. a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:14)
(Tell the truth it expresses.)
Who is Jesus is our salvation?
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
(Tell the truth it expresses.)
Who is Jesus teaches us to pray?
His mission of salvation was announced at His Baptism.
Who is Jesus?
This person baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
Who is John the Baptist?
The title of Mary's song of praise to God.
What is the Magnificat?
The result of St. Teresa of Calcutta's prayer life
What is action?
This person began his Gospel with the same words as Genesis to help his readers understand that Jesus and God have always been one.
Who is John?
Symbolizes our dying and rising to new life in Christ
What is immersion?
This person wanted to teach that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament
Who is Matthew?
This person wrote about Jesus' teaching that he is the Light of the World
Who is John?
This person was arrested and put into a concentration camp because he preached against the Nazis' treatment of the Jews.
Who is Bernard Lichtenberg?
Who was kidnapped and sold into slavery as a child. Years later she entered religious life and fulfilled her baptismal call by serving her community with humility and kindness.
Who is Josephine Bakhita?
This symbolizes the person's new life in Christ.
What is white garment?
This is a sign of our call to live out the responsibility of being a Catholic.
What is Sacred Chrism?
This is a sign of the Holy Spirit burning within us.
What is lighted candle?
This is a sign of our dying and rising to new life in Christ.
What is water?
Because he is truly God and truly human, Jesus is our...
What is mediator?
We need to commit to spending time with God in ___ to become more immersed in his love.
What is prayer?
Jesus gave us the ___ to draw us into union with him and the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What are Sacraments?
We form our consciences by ___.
(Must name all 3 items; the order does not matter.)
What are prayer, reading Sacred Scripture, and listening to the guidance of our parents?
In the desert the Holy Spirit gave Jesus strength to overcome ___.
What is temptation?
a word that means "God's Annointed One" or "Savior"
Who is Messiah?
The Son of God becoming man, one like us in all things but sin, Jesus Christ, who is both truly human and truly divine
a serious act against God's law that separates us from God's grace and normally requires the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation to be forgiven
What is mortal sin?
an enticement or pressure to turn away from God through sinful thoughts, word, or actions
What is temptation?
a form of prayer in which we rest in God's presence an fix our focus on Jesus, being attentive to the Word of God
What is contemplation?
a sin that is less serious than a mortal sin but that weakens our relationship with God and the church
What is venial sin?
a body of stories that has been passed down by word of mouth
What is oral tradition?