This organization was designed to help recently freed former slaves across the South.
What is the Freedmen's Bureau
This constitutional amendment permanently abolished slavery in the United States.
What is the 13th amendment.
This violent, racist terrorist group emerged after the Civil War to intimidate black and white Republicans.
What is the Ku Klux Klan
White Democrats used tricks like the Eight Box Law, Poll Taxes, and Literacy Tests to do what to African Americans in South Carolina.
What is disenfranchise or take away their right to vote.
This law meant that banks and other creditors could claim a farmers crops in order to pay of their debt.
What is the crop lien law.
The Presidential plans for reconstruction included the ideas of Abraham Lincoln and this man, who replaced Lincoln after his assassination.
Who is Andrew Johnson
President Lincoln's plan required 10% of a state's population to do this.
What is swear an oath of allegiance to the US
This long lasting success of Reconstruction can be seen in the presence of historically black colleges and university in South Carolina.
What is education
This pitchfork wielding "common man" came to prominence in South Carolina in the 1880s and 1890s.
Who is Ben Tillman.
Because this went up while demand stayed the same, agricultural prices (i.e. cotton) dropped dramatically in the late 1800s.
What is supply
These members of Congress thought that the South should be punished for their continued disobedience to the Federal government (i.e. Black Codes) after the end of the Civil War.
Who are Radical Republicans
These people were northerners who came South after the war to take part in Reconstruction, sometimes taking advantage of poor economic and social conditions.
Who are carpetbaggers.
In 1876, violence in this South Carolina town gained national attention after six African American "militiamen" were killed by a white mob.
What is Hamburg.
The emergence of this industry saw the migration of many South Carolinian families from the rural countryside to towns, villages, and cities across the mid-state and upcountry.
What is the textile industry
This organization, which started as a social group for farmers in the Midwest, led to the creation of the Farmer's Alliance and eventually the Populist Party.
What is the Grange.
The 15th amendment dealt with this important constitutional right.
What is the right to vote.
This class of South Carolinians had the most to lose after the end of the Civil War.
Who are planters/plantation owners.
The election of this man as governor of South Carolina in 1876 marked the end of Reconstruction and the return to white democratic rule in South Carolina.
Who is Wade Hampton
The production of this mineral had the dual impact of providing industrial jobs and also increasing cotton yields in South Carolina.
What are phosphates.
The movement of African Americans from the rural South to urban areas of the Northeast, Midwest, and West is known as this.
What is the Great Migration
Due to South Carolina's refusal to ratify (or approve) of this amendment, the state was put under Federal Military control in 1867.
What is the 14th amendment.
Many poor blacks were forced into this type of agricultural work where they provided only their labor in exchange for a percentage of the crop produced on the land they worked.
What is sharecropping.
This man ran, and was eventually elected, for president in 1876; his election saw the eventual end of reconstruction due to compromise made with Southern Democrats.
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes
Plessy v. Ferguson created the idea "separate but equal" in America. What was Mr. Plessy's first name?
What is Homer.
Immigrants from this continent arrived in America in the late 1800s to work in the industrial cities of the Northeast (eg. Boston, New York, etc.)