Middle Ages General Knowledge
Renaissance General Knowledge
Significant Figures

What was the dominant social system in medieval Europe?



What does the term "Renaissance" mean?



List some examples of ways that artistic style and technique developed and improved between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Depth, perspective, lighting, realism, focus on the human body


True or False - people stopped following the Catholic Church during the Renaissance.



In which field besides art did Leonardo da Vinci make significant contributions?

He made notable contributions in anatomy, engineering, and scientific inventions.


What were the series of religious wars called, where Christians attempted to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control?

The Crusades


What was Humanism, and how did it influence Renaissance thought?

Humanism was a cultural and intellectual movement that emphasised the study of classical texts, individualism, and the potential of human achievement.


Which invention by Johannes Gutenberg had a significant impact on the spread of Renaissance ideas?

The Printing Press


True or False - the status and freedoms of women remained the same between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 


What technology did Galileo improve that greatly contributed to astronomy?

The design of the astronomical telescope.


How did the Church influence education during the Middle Ages?

The Church controlled most education during the Middle Ages, with monasteries, cathedrals, and later universities being the primary places of learning. Education was often focused on religious studies.


Which famous family in Florence were major patrons of the arts during the Renaissance?

The Medici Family


How did the structure of society evolve from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance?

The rigid feudal system of the Middle Ages gave way to more social mobility and the rise of wealthy, powerful merchant classes during the Renaissance. It became somewhat democratic (but not entirely). 


Did monarchies continue to dominate European governance during the Renaissance as they did in the Middle Ages?

Yes, monarchies continued to be the dominant form of government, with kings and queens wielding substantial power. 


What was the first major book printed using Gutenberg’s press?

The Gutenberg Bible, also known as the 42-line Bible.


Define Conformism

Strict adherence to Church teachings and societal norms, with non-conformity often leading to persecution or punishment to maintain social order.


What is civic duty and why was it valued in the Renaissance?

Renaissance thinkers believed that active participation in civic life and public affairs was a duty of all citizens to improve society. It was valued because it reflected a human's ability to question, contribute, experiment and improve quality of life.


How did the view of individualism differ between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance?

The Middle Ages emphasised collective identity within the Church, while the Renaissance celebrated individual achievement and personal potential.


Was superstition and belief in the supernatural still prevalent during the Renaissance?

Yes, despite advances in science, belief in witchcraft, astrology, and other superstitions remained widespread.


Which iconic fresco did Michelangelo paint on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

The Creation of Adam.


What was heresy, and how did the Church respond to it during the Middle Ages?

Heresy was any belief or practice that contradicted the official teachings of the Church. The Church responded to heresy with trials, excommunication, and sometimes execution to maintain religious conformity. 


Define the concept of a "Renaissance Man" and how it reflects Humanist values.

A Renaissance Man was considered someone who was skilled in multiple areas of study, rather than a master of one. This reflects the Humanist values of education, questioning and experimentation. 


List three inventions or discoveries that occurred during or around the era of the Renaissance that didn't exist in the Middle Ages (Technology & Science). 

Telescope, microscope, printing press, thermometer, globe, calculator, portable clock etc

The Earth was not the centre of the universe, "discovery" of the Americas, circulation of blood, human anatomy, perspective in art, orbiting of planets etc


Did the majority of people continue to rely on traditional medical practices throughout the Renaissance?

Yes, traditional medical practices, including herbal remedies and superstition-based treatments, continued to be widely used.


Why was Lorenzo de' Medici a significant figure in the Renaissance?

He was crucial to the Renaissance for his patronage of artists, support for humanism, political influence, and contributions to Florence’s cultural and intellectual life. 
