Which class is at the bottom of the feudal system?
Name a season.
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Was prison a punishment option in medieval times?
What was the name of the first crusade?
First Crusade
What was the most valuable item in the feudal system?
Which season do you think was the worst for peasants?
What did the punishment "ducking" involve?
Accused ducked into water to determine innocent/guilt.
What city were the Crusades centred around?
What is a vassal?
Someone who leases land from the King.
What had to happen in Autumn and why?
Storing of food and animals for winter.
What were "trials by ordeal" and how were they meant to work?
Accused being inflicted with pain, survive = innocent, die or infection = guilty
Why were peasants willing to volunteer to join the Crusades?
Escape poor treatment and hard work; promise of going to heaven and being absolved of all sins
What role did peasants play in the feudal system?
Workers, supply food and services to knights.
Why do you think winter was the worst season for peasants?
No food, sickness, cold, poor shelter
What role did religion play in medieval crime and punishment?
It was often the responsibility of the Church to decide whether an individual was guilty of a crime. Influenced law and order through its administration of justice, offering sanctuary and benefit of clergy, and overseeing trials by ordeal, while also imposing religious punishments like excommunication
Which Pope rallied the nobles and clergy at Clermont to inform them of the actions of the Seljuk Turks?
Pope Urban II
What duties did the noble class owe to the King (Monarch)?
Money (tax) and Knights
What occurred during Spring in Medieval times?
Preparing ground for planting of new crops
How was the crime of gossiping punished?
Shame mask
What were the actions of the Seljuk Turks that resulted in the first Crusade?
Preventing Christian pilgrims from visiting holy shrines and they were also threatening the Christian Byzantine Empire.