What is a noun and pronoun?
Noun: A person, place, or thing.
Pronoun: Word used in place of a noun
"We, Them, It" are examples of...
Adjectives, adverbs, or pronouns?
What is the verb in the sentence?
The YMCA is the perfect place for our family to go swimming.
What is an adjective?
Words that describe a noun.
"And, but, or, while, and because" are examples of?
*What are the nouns in the sentence?
I got tickets to see the Celtics play are the TD Garden.
Celtics (people) and TD Garden (place)
Verb: Expresses an action or being (action words)
Adverb: Words that describe a verb.
Pretty, bold, quiet, confident, shy, and funny are all examples of...
What is the interjection in the sentence>
Oh my goodness! Did you see the Lunar Eclipse?
Oh my goodness!
What is a conjunction?
Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses together.
Oh! Wow! Aww! Oops! Yeet! are all examples of?
What is the adverb in the sentence?
She runs intensely.
What is a preposition?
A word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word or element in the rest of the sentence.
What are examples of: aboard, about, above, across, at, before, behind, below, despite, down, and during.
Name the preposition in the sentence:
Ray brought me a very long letter from the teacher.