A person, place, thing, or idea.
What is a noun?
The girl loves coffee.
Subject - The girl
Predicate - loves coffee
pretty, silly, smart, blue, cold, hard, wooden, smooth
What are adjectives?
What is the preposition in the following sentence: Plants were the first living things on earth.
What is on?
My mom took me to Mcdonald's today to get ice cream.
An action... You can DO it!
What is a verb?
He understands the complexities of the situation.
Subject - He
Predicate - understands the complexities of the situation.
boy, pencil, school, McDonald's, book, teacher
What are nouns?
What is the adjective in the sentence below: The strong athlete helped his team win the game.
What is strong?
Wishing you were here!
Describes nouns and pronouns.
What is an adjective?
The marine layer from the ocean caused it to be cold in Pismo Beach.
Subject - The marine layer from the ocean
Predicate - caused it to be cold in Pismo Beach.
Wow! Yikes! Eek! Dang!
What are interjections?
What is the noun in the following sentence: My dad loves to read.
What is dad?
The car with its engine running
Describes a verb, adjective, or adverb
What is an adverb?
The girl with the dragon tattoo and her dog, named Sue, are both running next to the river.
Subject - The girl with the dragon tattoo and her dog, named Sue
Predicate - are both running next to the river
on, through, between, beside, to, from, down
What are prepositions?
What is the pronoun in the sentence below: She was absent from school today.
What is she?
She forgot to do her homework last night.
(Fragment or complete? Identify the subject and predicate.)
Subject - She
Predicate - forgot to do her homework last night
This is part of a phrase, and it shows a relationship.
What is a preposition?
Sometimes, all you need to do is completely make a fool of yourself and laugh it off.
Subject - all you need to do
Predicate - is completely make a fool of yourself and laugh it off (Sometimes)
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
What are conjunctions?
What is the conjunction in the sentence below: I don't want to play outside today; it is raining.
The semicolon functions as a conjunction
Not even realizing it was already midnight, I decided to go to bed.
Subject - I
Predicate - decided to go to bed (not even realizing it was already midnight)