safety, equipment, measurement
variables, graphs, observations/inferences
Work, Force, Energy
Life Characteristics in Space
Catastrophic Events
what piece of equipment is used to measure mass? what would the unit of measurement be?
What is the triple beam balance and mass.
Are made using your 5 senses
What are observations
What two things are involved in order for work to be done?
What is force and motion.
What 4 things are needed for life?
What is liquid water, atmosphere, magnetic field, correct distance from the Sun.
A meteorologist categorizes a hurricane based on which feature?
What is wind speed
You should check your lab equipment ?????
What is before and after the lab
Mrs.Rahmaty wants to investigate the best material to keep her morning coffee hot. She uses styrofoam, paper, and ceramic cups and measures the temperature every 5 minutes. What is the dependent and independent variables.
The dependent variable is the temperature of the coffee. The independent variable is the material the cups are made of.
What is the unit of measurement for work?
What is Joules
How does the ozone layer of Earth protect life?
What is by absorbin ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
Trees are uprooted and blown down, roofs have been ripped off of houses, and the anemometer indicates wind speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. What has most likely occurred in this area?
What is a tornado
what lab equipment would you use to measure the volume of a liquid? what would the unit of measurement be?
What is the graduated cylinder and milileters.
Mrs.Zimmerman notices her students arriving to class with wet hair & clothes, and carrying umbrella's. She states "it must be raining outside". Is her statement an observation or an inference?
What is an inference.
A 50 N box is moved a distance of 12 meters. How much work was done on the box?
What is 600 J.
Earth’s atmosphere is mostly made up of the gases __________________ and ___________________________.
What is Nitrogen and Oxygen
__________ occur when the ground, creeks, streams, and rivers can no longer absorb and hold the amount of water being produced by a rain event
What is floods
Horseplay and practical jokes are allowed at all times in the lab...true or false
What is false
What does DRY MIX stand for?
Dependent Responding Y-axis. Manipulated Independent X-axis.
Regardless of whether you use a ramp or lift from the ground to move a box into a moving van _________ stays the same.
What is the amount of work.
What layer of the atmosphere does all weather occur?
What is the troposphere
_______ is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm. Usually associated with hurricanes it causes the greatest threat to life.
What is storm surge.
when measuring the volume of an irregularly shaped object we use the _________ method.
What is displacement method.
What type of graph would you use to display data containing percentages or parts of a whole?
What is a circle graph?
The goal of a simple machine is to reduce the amount _______ by increasing ___________.
What is force by increasing distance.
A scientist is looking for a planet that could sustain life in other planetary systems. The scientist studied the amount of heat radiating from the system’s star. What other factor might the scientist study?
What is the presence of liquid water or an atmosphere.
Why are some weather events classified as catastrophic while others are not?
What is: Major storm events that cause the loss of many lives or cause widespread property damage are classified as catastrophic.