Conversation Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Different Sized Problems

True or false?

Developing and improving social skills is a life-long process.

True! True! True!

This is not something you ignore, even if you find it easy to introduce yourself to people. Social skills are required and make all the other types of communication easier.


This is the expected distance to stand away from a person you are talking to.

What is 'an arm's length' or approximately 3 feet?


True or false:

If another person's POV is different from yours, they are wrong.


Everyone's POV feels true and right to them.


When you realize you have done something hurtful, what is the next thing you need to do?

As Mr. Brown said, "Do the next right thing."

Usually, that is making a genuine apology. Take a few minutes to say you are truly sorry. Show that you understand. Explain how it must have made the other person feel. Give them a chance to express their hurt or anger. Be a good listener.


On a scale of 1 to 10 rate the following problem:  You are not close to your apartment and you need to find a safe place to shelter during a hurricane.

10 (or maybe 9)

This is a life-threatening situation, so it is in the most serious problem category.


"I live in Brooklyn," is an example of this type of question.

What is a closed question?


This type of question only needs a short answer, such as, "Yes."

What is a closed question?

This is another term that means the same thing as POV or point of view?

What is perspective taking?


This is the number of basic facial expressions we studied in January.

7 is the magic number.

Joy, sadness, anger, contempt, fear, surprise, disgust. 


On a scale of 1 to 10 rate the following problem: You verbally bullied another student with slurs and were suspended for 3 days from school.

6,7,8, or 9

You have made a serious mistake and are getting serious consequences, BUT this is NOT a 10 because it is no longer a dangerous or life threatening situation.


True or False:

'Reading the room' means looking around to see what the posters on the walls say.


'Reading the room' is an expression that means to take a moment to see which people are in the room and to try to understand what their moods are.


This type of question works well to get a discussion going.

What is an open-ended question?


True or False:

In our POV lessons, we saw examples of how a situation could look opposite depending on a persons perspective.



True or false?

A bad time to tell your friend that you got a perfect score on a quiz is when they just learned that they failed. 


That would be bad timing and insensitive.


What are the initial letters that stand for the strategy we learned to avoid over-reacting to a problem?

FBI-ESP, which stands for 

Feel It Big on the Inside but Express it Smaller in Public.


True or False:

It is ok to come to school for 10 ten days without a shower, a new change of clothes, or brushing your teeth.


If you are not well groomed, sensitive students and teachers might think you don't know or care that you are grossing them out and a bit stinky.


"Could you please tell me more about that?" is an example of this type of question.

What is an open-ended question?


True or false?

Your peers will feel probably jealous if you brag about all the trips you plan to take out of the US over the summer vacation.


They also might feel annoyed or not want to be friends like they used to.


True or False?

The only three emotions are happy, sad, and mad.


There are many other feelings, including pride, surprise, fear, anxiety, disgust, jealousy, to name a few.


On a scale of 1 to 10 on the Emotometer, rate the following problem:

You earned 75 on an end-of-unit Math project.

Any answer between 1 and 7 could be appropriate, depending on your own perspective and situation.


What does reading the room mean?

Being able to 'read the room' is the skill of being able to figure out how a group of people are feeling in a specific time and place. When you 'read the room,' you give yourself power to make choices that match the moods of others. 'Reading the room' is a skill we all need and improve at with practice.


This is what a person might think if you keep looking around the room when they are speaking with you.

Am I boring her?

Does he even want to be talking with me?

Maybe there's another person here whom she would rather be talking to now.


Tell a true story from your own life about how you misjudged someone's POV and how that affected the outcome.

If you told a real story, you just earned 500 speech bucks.


This drawing represents which of the 7 basic facial expressions we learned? 

     ||||||                                                                     / -  - \                                                                 (|  (  )  |)                                                                 \ __/ /                                                                    \_ _/                           


One side of the mouth goes up. 

If you didnt get this one, it was hard, which is why it was a 500 dollar question.


When you see a classmate overreact extremely to a problem, what is something you should not say?

What is something you should do?

Things you SHOULD NOT say:

"Shut up, you are such a cry baby."

"This is why no one likes you!"

Things you SHOULD do:

Let an adult know that the student needs help and try to stay out of it.


Give a short word of support, like, "Try to use your Emotometer - you got this."
