Mutual Self-Help Groups
Recovery No Relapse
Loss in Addiction and Recovery
Regaining What Was Lost

How do mutual self-help groups increase hope?

Only the team who picked can answer 

Participation in Twelve Step mutual self-help meetings can help you to recognize that

- other people have problems very much like yours

- other people have found solutions to their problems

- other people have developed the skills to live in balance

- other people have gone from hopelessness to having hope

You will also learn that other people care about you, care about your recovery, and are willing to help you in your recovery by sharing their own experiences and successes. Correct answer 500


Name 3 coping skills people can use to stay sober when they are are experiencing triggers. Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team.

1. "Playing the tape through"
2. Going to a support meeting
3. Calling a sponsor or friend
4.  Mindfulness skills
5. Healthy distractions/meditation. 

Correct answer 500


What is an example of things that people often lose when they are using alcohol and other drugs?

Name 3






Correct Answer 500


This is the support one person gives to another by expressing warmth and concern. 

What is affection?

Correct answer 500


What month of the year has 28 days?


Correct Answer 2000


How do mutual self-help groups stop secrecy and isolation? Only the team who picked can answer 

One of the most common reasons for a failed attempt at sobriety is that people suffer their embarrassment, shame, and hurt in secrecy, keeping their addiction a secret and trying to go it alone. 

Attending a Twelve Step group can help address and alleviate these negative feelings. 

Correct Answer 600


Name two ways to support your continued recovery.

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team

Attending support meetings, service work, finding  a sponsor 

Correct answer 1000


When drugs become a part of your life, why do you usually have less time for old friends?

Only the team who picked can answer

Drug users spend increasingly large amounts of time and energy trying to obtain, use, and recover from the effects of drugs. 

If they associate with people, they are usually the ones who share an interest in getting and using alcohol and other drugs, because those are the activities that are important to them. 

Correct answer 800


This is support that involves listening to concerns, sharing opinions, and possibly giving advice. 

What is counsel?

correct answer 600


You can easily touch me,
But not see me.
You can throw me out,
But not away.
What am I?

Your back

Correct Answer 600


How do mutual self-help groups reduce guilt and shame?

Listening to members of a mutual self-help group talk about their failures, successes, fears, and hopes helps you to understand that talking openly about such issues reduces guilt, shame, and blame. 

Correct Answer 900


Why is honesty important in a Twelve Step program?

If you fake it, you cannot expect a meeting to be of any help. 

A commitment to sobriety and mental health involves honesty. 


How do alcohol and other drugs affect trust in friendships?

When alcohol and other drugs become and important part of people's lives, trust becomes much more difficult. 

The need to use the substances might become stronger than the desire to do the right thing. 

People who use alcohol or drugs often make promises that are not kept. 

Correct answer 600


This is material support or the support of providing some service. 

What is assistance?

Correct answer 600


Name two countries that start with the letter P

Only The person who picked can answer with no help from their team

  • Pakistan.
  • Palau.
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea.
  • Paraguay.
  • Peru.
  • Philippines.          Correct Answer 600

How do mutual self-help groups increase your self-efficacy?

At mutual self-help meetings, you meet people who have had similar experiences. 

You will learn how others have dealt successfully with risky situations. 

This, in turn, can help increase your confidence in handling similar situations. 

Correct Answer 800


What do you think the following statement means?

"Recovery is person driven"

Taking responsibility for self and one's behavior . Owning your stuff 

Correct Answer 800


Why is there a strong connection between substance use and violence?

Only the team who picked can answer

Alcohol and barbiturates can cause people to lose control and do things that they would not normally do. 

Stimulants, such as amphetamines and cocaine, cause people to become irritable and act impulsively. 

Alcohol and drug use can lead to overdoses, illnesses, and accidents. 

Correct Answer 800


Who can help support people who have experienced serious losses?

Name 3



Professionals and service organizations. 

Self-help groups. 

Religious and social organizations. 

Correct answer 800


Trivia Question: What is dihydrogen monoxide?

Water, H20

Correct Answer 800


How do mutual self-help groups increase your coping skills?

As you attend meetings, you will hear other people describe strategies that they used to avoid relapse, reduce stress, and manage their medication issues. 

You can also learn coping skills from others for dealing with your high-risk areas.

Also, simply attending mutual self-help meetings is a direct way to handle cravings and intense emotions. 

Correct Answer 1000


Why is gratitude important in recovery?

How does gratefulness plays apart in recovery?

1. Gratitude is recognized as one of the virtues in the creation of happiness. 

2.If individuals are grateful to be on the road to recovery, then it is less likely they will relapse because they are empowered to move forward.

Correct Answer 1000


What are two types of triggers that are often "lost" during sobriety?

Rituals: behaviors that occur before, during, and after drug use. 

Paraphernalia: things, such as a shot glass, a pipe, crack vials, syringes, or rolling papers. 

Correct answer 1500


How do drugs and alcohol affect identity?

When people first use alcohol or others drugs, they still believe that they will not become addicted, and many of them do not become addicted. 

Addiction can become your identity. 

Recovery involves gaining a new self-image while at the same time losing an old one. 

Correct Answer 1500


Why Did The Little Boy Burry His Flashlight?

The Batteries Died

Correct Answer 2000
