Ruling Recovery
(C)an (B)e
The Life of Early Recovery
Wrong Will Cost U (NR)

Many recovery programs encourage their members to practice this emotion where they will identify with past and/or current stressors of peers because they have also experienced them while in early recovery

What is sympathy Correct answer 500 If stolen 1000

Sympathy involves feeling sorry or pity for someone, whereas empathy involves understanding and sharing someone’s feelings. Sympathy is more of an external expression of emotion, while empathy is an internal emotional response.


These three factors are the foundation for any treatment involving Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What are Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviors

Correct answer 500

If stolen 1000


Many people in early recovery continue to minimize or discount negative experiences associated with use in effort to foster this perception

What is Justify Substance Use

Correct answer 500

If stolen 1000


What Are People With Alektorophobia Afraid Of

Only the team who picked can answer


Correct answer 500

If Wrong 1000 to the other team


Information or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in.

Only The Person who picked can answer with no help from their team

What is a relapse prevention plan/Tool Box

Correct answer 600

Incorrect answer 200 for the other team


For a person to truly learn from errors of past behavior they must first process this emotion that people experience when violating personal guidelines

What is Guilt

Correct Answer 600

If Stolen 800


Many people new to recovery experience an obsession of focus toward people, places and/or objects that were connected to their use. These factors are known as this

What are Relapse Triggers

Correct answer 600

If stolen 1000


Which Country Consumes The Most Chocolate Per Capita? Only the team who picked can answer


Correct answer 600

Wrong answer 1000 to the other team


Although not recommended, many people have found sobriety without seeking any type of treatment or support group. Most people who choose this path typically find sobriety unrewarding, experience negative opinions about themselves and foster resentment toward others. In recovery circles these individuals are known by this term

What is a Dry Drunk

Correct answer 900

If stolen 1200


Many treatment programs and support groups encourage members to avoid practicing this mindset where individuals will search for differences among peers in the group

What is Comparing

Correct Answer 900

!f stolen 1200


In early recovery many people struggle with inconsistent mood and inconsistent concentration. This is part of psychological withdrawal from the substance use, it is commonly referred to by this acronym

What is PAWS

Correct answer 900

If stolen 1200


What's The Capital Of Paraguay? 

Only The team who picked can answer


Correct answer 900

Wrong answer 1500 to the other team


Most people try to get sober by practicing this coping skill where they will routinely review their personal failings in sobriety and in active use. They identify all their negative characteristics with the hope that they will find motivation to change.

What is Shame


Most CBT modules encourage individuals to practice this emotion where a person will demonstrate understanding for another person's experience even if they have never experienced it

What is Empathy Correct answer 1200 If stolen 1600

Sympathy involves feeling sorry or pity for someone, whereas empathy involves understanding and sharing someone’s feelings. Sympathy is more of an external expression of emotion, while empathy is an internal emotional response.


When a person enters a detox treatment program it signifies that they require medical care in effort to avoid physical, sometimes mortal consequences. When receiving detox services a patient is typically deemed medically clear after this range of days. Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team.

What is 5-7 days

Correct answer 1600

If stolen 2000


How Many Earths Could Fit Inside The Sun?

1.3 million.

closest wins 800


Most recovery programs encourage people to avoid initiating intimate relationships in early recovery as it is known by this unofficial passage

What is 13th step

Correct answer 1000

If Stolen 1500


True or false, anger is a primary emotion?

False. It is a secondary emotion. Anger 'covers up' other emotions underneath such as hurt, sadness, fear, etc. 

Correct answer 1000

Wrong answer 2000 to the other team


In early recovery it is important to implement change to behaviors that enabled the substance use. Most providers see a return to these behaviors as this

What are  Relapse Warning Signs

Correct answer 1500

If Stolen 2000


What's The Smallest Bone In The Human Body?

Only the team who picked can answer


It’s located in the middle ear and measures just 0.11’’ x 0.19’’ (3 x 5 mm) in size.

Correct answer 1000

Wrong 2500 to the other team
