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Where can you find a tutor and/ or Facilitated Study Groups on campus?

The Learning Skills and Development Centre


If you have gotten the flu and want to see a doctor, where can you go on campus?

The Wellness Centre! 

Which resource will help you with your paper (e.g., layout, writing process, looking it over)

Learning Skills and Development Centre!


If you want to see if you have all your required courses for second year, who do you want to get in contact with?

Academic Advising!


If you want someone to look over your resume when you're job hunting, who do you go to? 

The Career Centre! 


If you want to do a fitness class, where can you find them? 

The Laurier Brantford YMCA! (You all have memberships included in your tuition!)


If you lost your OneCard, where do you go to get another?

Service Laurier!


If you want to do an exchange (or you're interested), which resource do you go to?

Laurier International / Global Engagement!


If you are struggling with time management, where on campus will they help you?

The Learning Skills and Development Centre! 

(They will also help you with study skills!)


If you want a walk from a spot on campus to another, which volunteer-operated safe walk program can you use?

Foot Patrol! (you can volunteer with them next year if you'd like!)


If you need to print something right before your class, where can you go? (when the campus is open!) 

Hint: it's where you pick up packages 

THE HUB! (it's been a lifesaver for me)


If you need help researching articles for your paper, who can you go to?

The Laurier Library has Librarians to help!


If you need support and you have a temporary or permanent disability, where can you go on campus for accommodations?

The Accessible Learning Centre!


Which Laurier portal can you access to find employment and volunteer opportunities?

Laurier Navigator!


Where on campus can LGBTQ2+ students find support and that promotes awareness, acceptance, and social advocacy for LGBTQ2+ members and allies? 

Queer Sphere + CSEDI


Where on campus do most students volunteer? 

The Students' Union! They have over 300 clubs and committees for students to join! 


If you have questions about tuition, OSAP, and/or financial aid, who on campus should you contact?

Enrolment Services! (aka Service Laurier)


If you self-identify as Indigenous, where on campus can you access personal support, academic support and financial aid? 

P.S. It's also where allies can be educated!

The Indigenous Student Services and Centres!


Which organization works to cultivate and promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice in all areas on campus? 

Centre for student equity, diversity and inclusion! 

Which campus resource can you call if there is a campus emergency?

Special Constables! 
