ELL Learners

What does ELL stand for?

English Language Learner


Would having a multicultural environment help encourage students to participate in group activities, True or False?

True! With having a multicultural environment, it help students keep their culture & values intact while make them feel a sense of inclusion as well.


Can have a welcoming environment help make a student's transition easier? True or False?



Can having a multicultural classroom, with students from various ethnic, language and social backgrounds make it harder for students to study together? True or False?

True, sometimes it can be hard for students to meet the same academic goal. This can be the cause if communication issues, but there are many things that can help with this problem. Extra attention can ensure all students feel included and supported.


What are some ways to help ELL understand the material?

* Read aloud apps/websites- Duolingo & Speechify 

* Visuals- Word Matching Games


Why do some ELL learns struggle to succeed?

* Lack of understanding

*Material is presented to quickly

*Oral presentations is the only method- student does retain information


Can celebrating a student's culture make a classroom more inclusive? True or False?

True, celebrating student's cultures can help students feel a sense of pride & confidence in oneself. 


What is one important strategy that teacher should use to help make their students feel more welcome?



Is there a chance that teachers may struggle in knowing if all students are understanding the material at hand? True or False?

True, at first teachers may not know if students are understanding the material. But there are way to test if and where there should be extra help. 


Students reading in their 1st language have already learned how many words before learning how to read?

5,000- 7,000 words


What are some issues that ELL might face (student- student interaction)? 

*Language Barrier

*Fear of embarrassment

*Difficulty when it comes to understanding

*Social Isolation

*Peer Judgment or Bullying


Why can have an multicultural educational environment be good for all students?

It can help show students the different cultural values & beliefs, which can help create a better understanding & acceptance of different people.


What is one simply thing that can help a student feel more comfortable in the classroom? *Multiple Answers*

* pronouncing the students' name correctly

*learning a few words in their language

*displaying their work


What is one problem students can face being in multicultural classroom?

A language barrier can be one of the problems they may face. 


Where does training for ELL came from? *Multiple answers*

$ Inservice Days

$$ Continuing Education Classes

$$$ Research on your own

$$$$ Professional Learning Communities


What are some ELL learners labeled as?

Some ELL learners are labeled as disabled due of the lack of ELL support.


What are some positives of having a culturally conscious teacher (without any bias)?

* It can help students assimilate without having to compromise their cultural identity.

* It can make students feel safe in their learning environment


What are some way you can tell if someone is uncomfortable in their environment? *Multiple Answers* 

* They have closed body language- cross their arms, making them small


What are the major disadvantages when it comes to a multicultural classroom?

* Language Barrier

*Cultural Misunderstanding

* Added stress/anxiety for ELL

*Can be harder to build trust & a strong relationship (student-student, teacher- student)


ELL's are more likely to have social and emotional needs, what are some that come to mind?

* the feeling of isolation


*lack of confidence



How long can it take for an ELL learner to learn an academic language?

It can take up to 7 years!


Why is it important to keep the idea of an multicultural classroom environment in our thoughts as future teachers?

*it helps make an anti-bias classroom

*challenges student to think critically without jumping to categorizes, social skills, & social action. 

This leaves a more welcoming learning environment for all students


How does the teacher (Ms. Amber) help prepare for the new students arrival? 

*If she knows that the new student speaks the same language as another, she will ask for them to be their buddy.

*has a posted schedule


As a teacher what are some problems you can face when it comes to having an multicultural classroom?

*There can be conflicts & miscommunications that tend to arise among the students from different cultures have different values, beliefs, traditions, & even  behavioral patterns.


ELL's are a diverse group. How many languages are spoken? (it's not just Spanish)

There are over 350 different languages.
