In Which Book was an important building marked with the blue shield of Apollo, the Greek god of healing?
The Blackthorn Key
Miller's favorite type of pet
Guinea Pigs!
In what book is a boy allowed to use a computer after he has shared his feelings?
House Arrest
In the book Simon Sort of Says, the family uses this extremely popular building block for family discussion because it seems to lessen the stress.
In what book do they think the lady in the picture is a character's doppelganger?
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus
In what book does a young man joke that there are nothing but blondes in Utah?
This fluffy pet can come in varieties such as "lop", "lionhead" and "mini".
In what book does the entire family sacrifice in order to give the youngest son the best chance of survival?
Life as We Knew it
In the book Yusuf Azeem is Not a Hero, characters refer to the quote: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee". What famous boxer originally spoke those lines?
Muhammad Ali
In what book are caterpillars very good for you?
Nature's Best Hope
In what book are "French Drop" and "brush pass" techniques used to get information?
City Spies
This adorable ungulate trots on four hooves and has varieties known for giving milk used to make cheese, fainting, and sneezing to alarm their herd of danger.
In what book do sheets seem to get dirtier each time they are washed?
A Night Divided
In the book Two Degrees the characters are dealing with the impact of this major world-wide crisis.
Global warming
In what book is a plumbing emergency caused by fruit in the pipes?
Operation Do-Over
In which book is the whole world grey, "full of more snow that refused to fall"?
The Dark is Rising
This delightfully furry pet is known for landing on its feet, being revered in ancient times, and catching mice
In what book is a character disappointed because she is only half a match to be a donor?
Red, White and Whole
In the book Small Spaces, cats are useful for what purpose?
They can go between worlds
In what book does the character create an ad campaign promoting a way to do your chores faster?
Roller Girl
In what book does a boy admit that spying on Home Ec class "was like discovering a secret new world"?
Full Cicada Moon
This rodent is know for its incredibly soft furry coat and the fact that it originates in South America
In what book did three boys have to weed the garden as a punishment?
The Season of Styx Malone
In the book Red, White and Whole a character "lights lamps and burns incense to honor God in a little shrine in a prayer room..." in which room of their house?
The basement
In what book does the sound of a gun cause a character to freeze and fall over twice, before being able to actually run?