The definition of social cohesion
A term used to describe the willingness of members of a society to cooperate with each other in order to survive and prosper.
What are the 3 POJs?
Fairness, Equality, Access.
What are 5 elements to be met for an effective law?
- reflects societal values
- enforceable
- known
- clear and understood
- stable.
What are the two houses of commonwealth parliament called?
House of Representatives
What does 'explain' mean?
The clarity a topic or issue by describing it is more detail and revealing facts about it.
What role do you (the individual) play in ensuring that our society is socially cohesive.
It is the responsibility of individuals to ensure that they are aware of the laws and abide by them.
What is the definition of fairness?
All people can participate in the justice system, and its processes should be impartial and open.
What does it mean for a law to be enforceable?
It must be possible to catch and punish someone or take civil action against them.
What is a bicameral parliament?
What is a key element of 'distinguish'?
Requires a key differentiating statement.
Do courts play a role in protecting the rights of individuals? Explain your answer.
The courts play a role in applying the law. In doing so they make sure they do it fairly and justly, ensuring rights are upheld.
What is the difference between formal equality and substanstive equality?
Formal = everyone on the same level.
Substanstive = Adjustments so everyone is on the same footing.
What does it mean for a law to be stable?
A law must remain constant overtime so that people are able to follow it.
What is the King's representative in Victorian parliament known as?
The governor of Victoria.
What is an example of a higher order thinking command term?
Discuss, Evaulate, To what extent.