If I have 50 N of force going to the right and 50 N of force going to the left, is this balanced or unbalanced?
What is balanced.
This is the force that pulling on all objects downward.
What is gravity.
This is the variable you are testing
What is the independent variable.
A baseball heading towards a person
90 N of force are going downwards and 48 N of force pushing upwards, what is the net force?
What is 42 N?
This is the force that resists motion
What is friction
This is the variable you are measuring.
What is the dependent variable.
An apple falling from a tree.
What is unbalanced?
50 N going up, 50 N going down . 100 N going to the left and 75 N going to the right.
What is 25 N going to the left.
This is the force that helps objects land safely on the ground (opposite of gravity).
What is air resistance.
This is the variable that does not change during the experiment.
What is the controlled variable.
Your pencil laying on the desk.
What is balanced.
55 N going to the left and 55 N going to the right. 123 N going up and 38 N going down. What is the net force?
What is 85 N going up?
You are sitting in your chair, besides gravity, what other force is acting on you?
Identify a control variable in the following scenario: A student wanted to test how the mass of a paper airplane affected the distance it would fly. Paper clips were added before each test flight. As each paper clip was added, the plane was tested to determine how far it would fly.
What is: the paper used, the paper clip used, the environment you are testing in.
The leaning tower of pisa.
What is balanced?
76 N going up , 52 N going down ; 256 N going left and 124 N going to the right. What is the net force?
What is 24 N going up and 132 N going to the left?
This term is described as all of the forces acting on an object at any given time.
What is net force?
Identify the dependent variable in the following experiment: A student wanted to test how the mass of a paper airplane affected the distance it would fly. Paper clips were added before each test flight. As each paper clip was added, the plane was tested to determine how far it would fly.
What is the distance traveled by the paper airplane.
You having a conversation with your friend, while sitting at your table.
What is both balanced and unbalanced?