8 letter words
Words that start with O
Food that starts with O
Legal Terms and Phrases
Popular Duos

This is a type of meal or gathering at which meat, fish or other food is cooked outdoors on a rack over an open fire or portable grill. 


This is a space or specific room where the employees perform work towards the overall goals of the organization. 



75 percent of US households have this in their pantry. It's an inexpensive option and one of the cheepiest things you can eat to keep you alive. This dish is a popular use for cookies, but it does have heart and body health benefits. 



These are the group of people selected to hear the whole case in a trial and come up with a decision based on the evidence presented to them. 


This pair of seasonings are the main staples of every kitchen and restaurant. Without this, we wouldn't be able to fully taste our food. 

Salt and Pepper 


This is a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment or sales between two parties. This creates mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. 



This is a term to describe food or something relating to or derived from living matter. It's the production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other artificial ingredients, making you feel healthy. 



These highly intelligent and adaptable animals is an important protein sources in coastal communities and can be considered a delicacy in some cuisines. Known as the chameleon of the sea, it's an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and can promote a healthy heart.                                                                                                                                                                         



In the court system, this is an option for sentencing for an individual. With this, instead of sending them to prison, the court releases the person to the community and orders them to complete a period of supervision monitored by an officer and to abide by certain conditions. 



Known as the perfect pair, it can be nostalgia coming home from school to this on the counter. People all traditionally leave this out during the holidays. This special combination has been complementing each other for decades. 

Milk and Cookies 


This means the state of being the only one or doing something alone. It can mean a state of confinement, a specific punishment in which someone kept alone in a room, commonly seen in the jail system. 



This is an intentional plantation of trees or shrubs that is maintained for food production. They usually comprise of fruit or nut producing trees that are generally grown for commercial production. 



Known as a culinary treasure in some parts of the United States, this vegetable is an invaluable source in Southern cuisine. Some people might find it hard to get past its slimy texture. It's commonly popular as a thickener for soups, stews and sauces. 



This is another name for the decision made from the trial or judge that determines the guilt or innocence of the case or determining the final outcome. 



This tragic love story features these two prominent characters living a romance between two families that do not like each other. You can say this duo is easily the most known in the literature world. 

Romeo and Juliet 


This is the state of being resistant to a notorious agent or process, especially an infectious disease. It may occur naturally or an individual can get a shot annually for it to help your body's first-line defense against germs. 



This is a legal or moral requirement to take a certain course of action. It's a type of duty or commitment when there is a choice to do what is good and what is morally acceptable. 



This type of edible mushroom is known to grow in clusters on trees or on logs. They get their name from their shell-like shape and have a mild sweet taste. They are prized as a culinary delight because they are versatile, healthy and extremely easy to grow. 

Oyster Mushroom 


A witness is a person who saw or heard the crime take place or may have important information about the crime or defendant. The witness can be called to tell what they know about the situation. What the witness actually says in court is called this 



This duo was among the most popular and highest paid entertainers in the world during the World War II era. They were known for performances on stage, in films, on TV and on radio. Despite their success together causing many laughs, tension started to grow between them causing them to break up as a duo in 1957. 

Abbott and Costello 


This is a type of individual who derives ideas, styles or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. A group of people, things or ideas that is this is interesting and unusual because it consists of many different types. 



This is a type of isolated area, typically seen in a desert. It's a fertile spot where water is found that sustains plant life and provides habitat for animals. In geography, it can mean a rest stop on a rote that provides access to underground water maintained by humans. 



This Italian dish means "bone with a hole", as it features a veal shank. The piece of meat has a bone in the center, which releases bone marrow when it cooks. It's typically paired with vegetables, white wine and a broth. 

Osso Buco 


This is a statement made before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths. Such statements are often taken to examine potential witnesses, to obtain evidence or be used later in trial. 



These two young entrepreneurs originally had separate businesses before they noticed people rotating between their establishments, one being a restaurant and the other being for games and entertainment. BY 1982, they opened their first store in Dallas, Texas, resulting in about 140 current locations today. 

Dave and Busters 
