Brenda put the key in the ignition and turned. She adjusted her mirrors to make sure she could see properly. She turned on the radio and found a good station before backing out of the driveway. Where is Brenda? What in the text lets us know?
Brenda is in her car, about to drive.
Backing out of driveway, adjusted her mirrors.
What is the meaning of this?
Jade is as quick as a fox.
She is fast.
He is a turtle.
He is slow.
If you don't stop talking, I'm going to lose my mind.
If you don't stop talking, I will get angry.
What is my favorite color?
Claire walked up and down the shore. She found another good one and placed it in her bucket. She loved the feel of the ocean rolling onto her bare feet. What is Claire doing? What in the text lets us know?
Collecting sea shells.
Placed in bucket, ocean, bare feet
What is the meaning of this?
He is as smelly as a dumpster.
He stinks.
The teacher is a witch.
She is mean.
That essay made my hand almost fall off.
I wrote so much on that essay that my hand hurts.
What month is my birthday in?
Layla and her family walked into the large building. She loved the large fountain in the front. Her dad walked up to the counter and stated that he would like to check in. The lady gave him a card and said enjoy your stay in room 205. Where is Layla and her family? What in the text lets us know?
They're at a hotel.
Large counter, check in, stay in room 205.
What is the meaning of this?
The food tasted like cardboard.
The food was gross.
The student had a heart of gold.
He has a good heart.
I've told you a million times to clean your messy room.
I've told you a lot to clean your messy room.
Elise went into the living room with her hammer and nails. She measured the wall and thought it would look perfect on the left side of the fireplace. She took her hammer and banged a nail into the wall. She then placed it on the nail. It looked perfect! What is Elise doing? What in the text lets us know?
She's hanging a picture.
Measured the wall, hammer and nail, placed it on the nail.
The river was as beautiful as a famous painting.
The river was pretty/ beautiful.
Time is money.
Time is valuable.
I burped in front of my crush and died of embarrassment.
I was really embarrassed.
Bonus +200: What are their names?
Jelly & Bean
Bonus 100: Which one is the evil one?
Dean’s legs hurt but he was so close to the finish line. He could hear his family and friends cheering from the bleachers. He passed Madison and Paul to take first place. He crossed the finish line and sat down to catch his breath. What is Dean doing? What in the text lets us know?
Running a race.
legs hurt, finish line, cheering, crossed finish line.
What is the meaning of this?
She smiled like the sunshine.
Her smile is bright.
She is a night owl.
She stays up all night.
My new shoes are killing me.
My new shoes hurt.
What is my favorite food?
Bonus points if you knew it was a blueberry bagel w/ cream cheese and bacon.